Urgent HELP ME¡¡¡¡¡¡ Some one

  • in truth I feel much that thinks that I am shouting, but in truth it is urgent to know like removing to this information, never think to me that it went away to me to complicate so much, I am going to annex a consultation that realises but it does not give the awaited result me that there are objects of SQL server that keep this information and that is the one that I need, the consultation me devolvio dts that kept log for being executed via job but that happens with that they run by BATCH Annex my consultation, to see if it is possible to be supported to me.

    select sj.name, dts.name, command,sj.date_modified,sjd.last_run_date

    from msdb..sysjobs sj

    join msdb..sysjobsteps sjs on sj.job_id = sjs.job_id

    join msdb..sysjobservers sjd on sjs.job_id =sjd.job_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb..sysdtspackages dts on sjs.command LIKE '%'+cast(id as varchar(100))+'%'

    where command like '%dtsrun%'

    order by sj.name,sjd.last_run_date asc

  • Mind readers we are not.

    If you are unwilling or unable to answer our questions or do the tasks we ask, tell us now and we will all leave you alone. If you really want our help, you have to help us. Answer our questions, provide us with the information we ask for, do the tasks we ask you to perform and show us the results.

    If not, you have only yourself to blame for not getting the help you request.

  • clperez271172 (1/28/2009)

    in truth I feel much that thinks that I am shouting, but in truth it is urgent to know like removing to this information, never think to me that it went away to me to complicate so much, I am going to annex a consultation that realises but it does not give the awaited result me that there are objects of SQL server that keep this information and that is the one that I need, the consultation me devolvio dts that kept log for being executed via job but that happens with that they run by BATCH Annex my consultation, to see if it is possible to be supported to me.

    select sj.name, dts.name, command,sj.date_modified,sjd.last_run_date

    from msdb..sysjobs sj

    join msdb..sysjobsteps sjs on sj.job_id = sjs.job_id

    join msdb..sysjobservers sjd on sjs.job_id =sjd.job_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb..sysdtspackages dts on sjs.command LIKE '%'+cast(id as varchar(100))+'%'

    where command like '%dtsrun%'

    order by sj.name,sjd.last_run_date asc

    And, what good is the above query? You are attempting to query msdb..sysjobs and its related tables, but you already stated that the DTS packages aren't run as part of a job, so there won't be any record of the job in these tables.

    Have you tried querying just msdb..sysdtspackages?

  • my friendly Lynn Pettis, tell me please that it is what really needs to be able to help me with my questions and that is what requires that annexes to him or sends to be able to do it, that its intention is good but as to respond to its questions when, the only thing that have done is to criticize my questionings and not to provide no solution to me, so if is so gentile to say that it is what shipment requires by far taste him the information by post. Thanks

  • clperez271172 (1/28/2009)

    select sj.name, dts.name, command,sj.date_modified,sjd.last_run_date

    from msdb..sysjobs sj

    join msdb..sysjobsteps sjs on sj.job_id = sjs.job_id

    join msdb..sysjobservers sjd on sjs.job_id =sjd.job_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb..sysdtspackages dts on sjs.command LIKE '%'+cast(id as varchar(100))+'%'

    where command like '%dtsrun%'

    order by sj.name,sjd.last_run_date asc

    That's only going to return something if you are running that DTS as a job, which you've already said you're not.

    The only way this package could write logs is if custom logging has been enabled in the package. No other way!

    Open the package up in management studio, and check the logging tab. If there is custom logging enabled, it will show up there and tell you where the logs are written to.

    If there's no custom logging, then there is no way to tell when the package last ran.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • clperez271172 (1/28/2009)

    my friendly Lynn Pettis, tell me please that it is what really needs to be able to help me with my questions and that is what requires that annexes to him or sends to be able to do it, that its intention is good but as to respond to its questions when, the only thing that have done is to criticize my questionings and not to provide no solution to me, so if is so gentile to say that it is what shipment requires by far taste him the information by post. Thanks

    You haven't answered any of the questions posted to you. You haven't performed any of the tasks you have been asked to do and report back what you found. You, sir (?), are the actually the one making things so difficult constantly questioning our questions. If I had direct access to your servers, I could look at everything I needed to look at to see what is going on there. We don't have that option here.

    Please reread the posts, answer the questions asked, do the things asked of you and let us know the results.

  • in fact I have related all the tables of sysdts. select * from RTblDTSProps --nothing select * from sysdtscategories --categories select * from sysdtspackagelog--nothing select distinct yam from sysdtspackages to order by yam asc select * from sysdtssteplog --nothing select * from sysdtstasklog --nothing I have related them and nothing I did query in which I do the relation of the tables of JOBS with these and nothing, but it indicates the BSA to me that if there is form to remove information of completes time which I execute this DTS

  • The information you need does not exist.

    Or, jumping to conclusions because of the object names:

    La información que usted necesita no existe.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • estas completamente seguro de que dicha informacion es inexistente , por que en verdad me han dicho que esta si es posible sacarla, por favor ayudame a resolever esta incognita , gracias

  • clperez271172 (1/28/2009)

    estas completamente seguro de que dicha informacion es inexistente , por que en verdad me han dicho que esta si es posible sacarla, por favor ayudame a resolever esta incognita , gracias

    Uh? English please or help you not

  • these completely surely of which this information is nonexistent, so that in truth they have said that this if it is possible to remove it, please ayudame to me to resolever this mystery, thanks

  • We cannot answer that for you.

    Just because you did not find any logged information, it does not mean that the package is not used.

    You need to decide yourself if it is safe.

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

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    For best practices on asking questions, please read the following article: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • the packages are completely safe but not like finding or using the objects like pPackageslog or the ActiveScriptTask Object DynamicPropertiesTask Object BulkInsertTask Object ExecutePackageTask Object CreateProcessTask Object ExecuteSQLTask Object CreateProcessTask2 Object ExecuteSQLTask2 Object CustomTask Object ParallelDataPumpTask Object DataDrivenQueryTask Object SendMailTask Object DataPumpTask Object Task Object DTSFTPTask Object TransferObjectsTask Object DTSMessageQueueTask Object that there is a way to use them via Transact-SQL Server 2000, so if somebody can support to me with this I am going them to be thankful

  • clperez271172 (1/28/2009)

    estas completamente seguro de que dicha informacion es inexistente , por que en verdad me han dicho que esta si es posible sacarla, por favor ayudame a resolever esta incognita , gracias

    No hablo bastante Espanol par esso. Su pregunta no es claro a me.

    Si el paquete DTS no registra cuando funcionó, después no hay datos.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • One problem here is language. The posts are being translated into English by Bable Fish (babelfish.yahoo.com). I just tested some of the Spanish, and the English being posted is exactly what that turns it into.

    Part of the problem is that Babel Fish is mangling the translation horribly. My Spanish is bad, but even I can see some of the errors and incomprehensibilities it's giving us here.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 66 total)

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