Upsizing a ms Access database to MS SQL

  • Hello People!.


    I have a MS SQL server on an internet web hosting package. I am having trouble upsizing the classic MS Access demo file JobApplication to the SQL Server online? this is becasue it wont let me basically connect to the SQL database!?...

    These are the error messages I get?...Is the Server name the host name?

    Any ideas please?..


  • Welcome.

    I'm having trouble seeing your pictures.

    If the sql server is the default instance, the servername is likely to be your hostname.

    What connectionstring are you using?

    Is this using the Access upsizing wizard?

  • Hi,

    Not sure if you can see my pictures?..yes this is the upsizing wizzard

    I have set up a database on my mssql server using the webspace internet service provider called I used one of their tools to create this database just to test if the MS SQL server was working.

    database name = db152591563

    username = dbo152591563

    host name =

    description = james

    on that page with the above data it says: log in to the admin tool using ur user name = u39697174 and password given

    So which bits of the above information do i enter into the upsizing wizzard boxes for connection?

    server: = ?

    login id = ?

    password = ? (which 1?password given or the database password?)

    please can you help me log on and connect to the MS SQL Server!...using the upsizing wizzard!

    Thanks James


  • Hi,

    Not sure if you can see my pictures?..yes this is the upsizing wizzard

    I have set up a database on my mssql server using the webspace internet service provider called I used one of their tools to create this database just to test if the MS SQL server was working.

    database name = db152591563

    username = dbo152591563

    host name =

    description = james

    on that page with the above data it says: log in to the admin tool using ur user name = u39697174 and password given

    So which bits of the above information do i enter into the upsizing wizzard boxes for connection?

    server: = ?

    login id = ?

    password = ? (which 1?password given or the database password?)

    please can you help me log on and connect to the MS SQL Server!...using the upsizing wizzard!

    Thanks James


  • server:

    login id = dbo152591563

    password= dbo152591563's password

    Can you verify through the admintool that the user dbo152591563 can login?

  • James, have you verified with the hosting provider that they allow you to connect via port 1433 from the Internet. They may not allow those connections.

    Their support people may be the best people to ask for assistance with this.

    -- J.T.

    "I may not always know what I'm talking about, and you may not either."

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