Upload and search within documents

  • Hi

    could anybody tell me (or point me to a link) which details how I can:

    Upload .pdf, word, etc. files into SQL server

    Perform a search within these documents for keywords.

    I've been researching in the full-text facility in SQL Server 2005 for the search.....


  • Hey dnf999,

    I was just asked to set up a DB that would allow our customers to store docs as well.  We never thought about making them searchable.

    Very good thinking!  I was going to store them as BLOB's with a doc_name, file_type, user_name, added_date, mod_date column or something along those lines.  I was only thinking about searching by doc name and dates.

    This would be a great feature to add!  I don't know the answer myself.

    I hope someone will help you ( and me ) with some proven method or even a good direction to go in. 

    I don't think I have had much luck with full-text indexing.  I will be using 2005 for this,  so maybe it will have other options?

    I last tried this on mssql7 or just when 2000 came out.  I think I had to re-index all the time and maybe it only indexed from the first word etc.?  I really need to read up on this again.  Thanks for making me want to add this!

    Be well and good luck,




  • Hi Gene

    Thanks for the reply none the less.  I believe that full-text search has the capability to search within docs, but I'm unsure how user friendly this is!!

    how do you convert files to BLOB's?



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