Upgrading SQL Server 2005 Express Edition to Developer Edition

  • I have just got my hands on the SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition and having run the installer from the command prompt with the SKUPDATE=1 option. Everything seems to have run ok, however I still appear to have SQL Express services on my pc.

    I admit i'm not a DBA so don't know much about instances (apart from that they allow you to have older versions of SQL Server on the same machine). When I installed the Developer Edition I created a default instance, but there was also the one there from before (from SQL Express). I expected running the installer to remove everything Express and install everything Developer, but I still have services running that are from the Express Edition and appear to have all the applications as well. There is no SQL Server 2005 Express Edition in the Add/Remove programs and I don't really want the Express Edition on my machine. Is there any way of removing it without affecting the newly installed Developer Edition? I'm at a bit of a loss as the what has actually been done on the machine by the install. It doesn't seem to have upgraded at all, but installed it side by side.

    Any help or an explanation would be much appreciated,


  • I think, if you run setup.exe for express edition it will prompt you to repair, modify or uninstall.

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