upgrade or convert Enterprize edtion SQL 2000 to Standard 2000

  • Hi Team,

    Did any had converted Enterprize edition of SQL 2000 to Standard Edition of SQL 2000, If so please let me know.



  • Why do you want to downgrade your SQL Server?

    Enterprise Edition is the most powerful of the versions.


  • I've done a couple of downgrade.  Here is what I usually do when I need to do one:

    1.backup all databases on the server to be downgrade.

    2. Stop SQL Server. Copy mssql\data folder to mssql\data_backup. 

    3. Uninstall SQL Server. (Note: mssql\data will be empty.)  All users data will stay.

    4. Reboot server.

    5. Install SQL Server standard edition.

    6. Install lates SP.

    7. Install latest hot fix\security update.

    8. stop sql server.

    9. replace mssql\data with mssql\data_backup.

    10. start sql server.

    11. enjoy your day.  (If anything had failed in the process, you have your backup to start everything over.)



  • Hi MOM, Thanks for you quick replay.

    Bill, For your question, The reason we are planning to downgrade as the license and cost that is only the reason, more over the SQL server is used for third party application which we are using internal to our company.



  • With this method do you have a backup of the DTS an schedule jobs



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