Upgrade 7->2k; help with collation problems!

  • So, here we are upgrading (finally) to SQL 2k, and I found this article - http://www.sqlteam.com/item.asp?ItemID=9066, which was very helpful and got me started in the right direction. However, not being a MSSQL expert (too many hats to master it), I wasn't too aware of collations. Well, it's come back to bite me! Here's the thing - every database I bring over has a different collation than the new server. I can (fairly) easily change the database once it's come over, but that's not enough.

    Here's the question: How do I programmatically change all the collations for all the objects within each table within each database? They don't all need it, but I can't do it by hand (it'd take weeks!).

    Any thoughts (please!?)?


  • Check out this thread for additional info:


    On the surface, programmatically changing collation orders doesn't seem too difficult a concept, until you realise that you need to drop associated constraints/indexes etc before changing the collation and then recreate them. I have not seen a script that can do this well.



    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • Uugh. Nothing like a SMOOOOTH upgrade...

    How about a script that lists the issue-laden columns?

  • You could EM to script all the tables for each SQL2K database which will give you column collations which you can then analyze.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • To id the collation issues try the script below. (if this doesn't appears ok post a reply with you email address and I'll email you the script).




    use master


    if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'sp_HelpCollation' and type = 'P')


     drop proc sp_HelpCollation



    create proc sp_HelpCollation

    @mode  varchar(20) = null





    * Name:  sp_HelpCollation


    * Author:  SB

    * Date:  2002-07-01


    * Purpose: Sproc to provide collation info


    * Revision History

    * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    * |  Revision |  Date  |  Changed By |  Comments  

    * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    * |  0.1  |  2002-07-01 |  SB  | Initial Release






     set nocount on

     --help text

     if @mode is null


      print 'Usage: sp_HelpCollation [''default''|''verbose''|''local''|''local_all'']'


     --default = default server level collation

     if @mode  = 'Default'


      select 'Default Database Collation : ' +

       convert(varchar(100),databasepropertyex('tempdb','collation')) +

       char(10) +

       'All databases will be created with this collation by default' +

       char(10) +

       'Tempdb uses this collation for all global and local hash table columns unless specified otherwise.'


     --local = local database collation

     if @mode = 'local'


      select 'Database Collation for ' + db_name() + ' : ' + convert(varchar(100),databasepropertyex(db_name(),'collation'))


     --local_all = local database and column level collation

     if @mode = 'local_all'


      select 'Database Collation for ' + db_name() + ' : ' + convert(varchar(100),databasepropertyex(db_name(),'collation'))

      print 'Column level collations in ' + db_name()

      select  distinct object_name(sc.id) as TableName,

       sc.name as ColumnName,

       sc.collation as Collation

      from syscolumns sc

      inner join sysobjects so

      on (so.id = sc.id)

      where so.xtype  = 'u'

      and sc.collation is not null


     --verbose = collation at all levels

     if @mode = 'verbose'


      select 'Default Database Collation : ' +


       char(10) +

       'All databases will be created with this collation by default.' +

       char(10) +

       'Tempdb uses this collation for all global and local hash table columns unless specified otherwise.'

      select 'Database Collation for ' + db_name() + ' : ' + convert(varchar(100),databasepropertyex(db_name(),'collation'))

      print 'Column level collations in ' + db_name()

      select  distinct object_name(sc.id) as TableName,

       sc.name as ColumnName,

       sc.collation as Collation

      from syscolumns sc

      inner join sysobjects so

      on (so.id = sc.id)

      where so.xtype  = 'u'

      and sc.collation is not null




    grant exec on sp_HelpCollation to public


    exec sp_Ms_MarkSystemObject sp_HelpCollation


  • Thanks for the assist, all. The problem in my case is being cause by creation and use of temp tables. Because the newly attached databases have a different collation than the tempdb table, and their stored procs use 'create table #temp' actions, the two won't talk well. The solution (for me) is to simply re-write the relevant temp creation routines. Fortunately, I've found the wonder of UDF's; did you know that you can define variables as "tables"!? It really makes this all a lot easier.

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