Upgrade 2005 to 2008 leaves 2005 components installed

  • We've noticed when upgrading from our 2005 installations to 2008 (enterprise versions), that the 2005 menu links are still there and you can still run Management Studio for 2005 for instance, though it can't connect with the database because it's been upgraded.

    I presume this is normal-- but what is the thinking here? That you may still be wanting to connect to other databases remotely and may still want the 2005 management studio installed? Should uninstallation of these components be part of an upgrade operation where remote connections aren't needed and the duplicate SQL Server menu items are confusing to the users?



  • I would prefer they not be upgraded by default

    There are cases where one needs both SSMS 2005 & SSMS 2008 installed (what I currently have)

    For me, it's more for BIDS 2005 to develop reports for SSRS 2005

    as SSMS 2008 will work fine with SQL Server 2005

    SQLServerNewbieMCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • I wonder if we can safely uninstall the SQL Server 2005 portions that remain in Add/Remove programs without adversely affecting the now-updated SQL Server 2008 operations? What's still there is 2005 at 650MB, "2005 Backward Compatiblilty" at 26M, and "2005 Books Online" at 123M.

    And BTW, your SqlServerNewbie link appears to be dead.


    Keith Doyle

  • Thanks for the heads up, I don't like my domain provider more now

    I recall I have remvoed 2005 components AFTER I have installed 2008, it should be safe

    It is Microsoft products after all, which should work well with each other 😛

    SQLServerNewbieMCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005

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