Updating XML

  • I need to update table Cart.Storage which has XML. In particular the <Removable> needs updating on any <CartItem> that matches <Plan> and <Rule> criteria; several <CartItem> will be updated, and others that won't. Here is sample xml from the Storage column:

    <Cart xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:type="CartDetail">


    <CartItem xsi:type="CartItemDetail">

    <otherfields />







    Here is query that returns error "Invalid object name 'item'".

    DECLARE @removable BIT = 1

    UPDATE item

    SET item.modify('replace value of (Removable)[1] with sql:variable("@removable")')

    FROM SalesOrder.Cart c

    CROSS APPLY c.Storage.nodes('Cart/Items/CartItem') as R(item)


    item.value('Plan[1]', 'nvarchar(50)') = 'DefaultAddRow'

    and item.value('Rule[1]', 'nvarchar(50)') = '_'

    and item.value('Removable[1]', 'bit') = 0


  • Items is a context node created from nodes. The update statement has to work with the XML column directly. And because of that you have to move your where clause into the XML part of your update statement.

    update SalesOrder.Cart

    set Storage.modify('replace value of

    (Cart/Items/CartItem[Plan = "DefaultAddRow" and

    Rule = "_" and

    Removable = "false"]/Removable/text())[1]

    with sql:variable("@removable")')

  • Great, thanks! That works for the first CartItem... it needs to look at all CartItems, some of which need to be updated, some don't. the [1] only updates the first, [2] second etc.

  • It is only possible to target one value in the XML with the update. You have to put your update statement in a loop that execute the update statement as long as it is necessary.

    while exists (select *

    from SalesOrder.Cart

    where Storage.exist('(Cart/Items/CartItem[Plan = "DefaultAddRow" and

    Rule = "_" and

    Removable = "false"])') = 1)


    update SalesOrder.Cart

    set Storage.modify('replace value of

    (Cart/Items/CartItem[Plan = "DefaultAddRow" and

    Rule = "_" and

    Removable = "false"]/Removable/text())[1]

    with sql:variable("@removable")')

    where Storage.exist('(Cart/Items/CartItem[Plan = "DefaultAddRow" and

    Rule = "_" and

    Removable = "false"])') = 1


  • Awesome, thanks! One last wrinkle: The existing Removable is sometimes null... I need to update when Removable is null or false...

    [Plan = "DefaultAddRow" and

    Rule = "_" and

    (Removable = "false" or Removable = null)]


  • Do you mean that the value actually is null or that the node Removable is missing?

  • Looks like it's missing... I assume in that case it would need to be added.

  • Then you need two while loops. One that adds the missing elements and one that updates the ones that need updating.

    while exists(select *

    from SalesOrder.Cart

    where Storage.exist('Cart/Items/CartItem[Plan = "DefaultAddRow" and

    Rule = "_" and

    count(Removable) = 0]') = 1)


    update SalesOrder.Cart

    set Storage.modify('insert <Removable>{sql:variable("@removable")}</Removable> as last into

    (Cart/Items/CartItem[Plan = "DefaultAddRow" and

    Rule = "_" and

    count(Removable) = 0])[1]')

    where Storage.exist('Cart/Items/CartItem[Plan = "DefaultAddRow" and

    Rule = "_" and

    count(Removable) = 0]') = 1


    while exists (select *

    from SalesOrder.Cart

    where Storage.exist('(Cart/Items/CartItem[Plan = "DefaultAddRow" and

    Rule = "_" and

    Removable = "false"])') = 1)


    update SalesOrder.Cart

    set Storage.modify('replace value of

    (Cart/Items/CartItem[Plan = "DefaultAddRow" and

    Rule = "_" and

    Removable = "false"]/Removable/text())[1]

    with sql:variable("@removable")')

    where Storage.exist('(Cart/Items/CartItem[Plan = "DefaultAddRow" and

    Rule = "_" and

    Removable = "false"])') = 1


  • Awesome, thank you very much! A million +1's for you!

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