Updating Union Views

  • Hi,

    I have 3 databases. General, Utility & ClientUtilty. Utility & ClientUtlity have a table Dept (deptid int , deptname varchar(20))

    There is one view Dept in General:

    Create view Dept as

    select * from Utlity.Dbo.Dept


    select * from ClientUtlity.Dbo.Dept

    Now I want to Update the Dept VIEW in General Database...

    Can anyone help me

    Kindest Regards,


  • how about drop view --> re-create view ?

  • No, I want to insert/update/delete records in the view.

    I have done it using three instead of triggers.


    Kindest Regards,


  • I can't get u prakash.. can v inse..,dele.. ,upda.. in a view.. Is it possible...

  • There are so many rules bound to views for update/insert/delete!!!!

    one rule states UPDATE statement cannot affect more than one of the base tables referenced in the FROM clause of the view.

    Instead of triggers are cool, why don't you continue using that?

  • I may be totally off-base on this, and I can't find anything in BOL to back me up, but it was my understanding that UNION views are SELECT or INSERT FROM only, that you couldn't UPDATE or DELETE from them.

    Also, doing SELECT * is risky in a couple of ways. First, it's a performance hit, I would think it would be even moreso in a union query. Second, you're introducing a complication for updates. When you're explicit in specifying your fields, if you modify one table and add a field, you go and modify the view and see that additional tables need to reflect the change one way or another.

    But like I said, I may be totally off-base. I use UNIONs a lot (extremely useful tool), but I've never tried updating them.

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