Updating Table on Linked Server

  • Hi

    I am using SQL Server 2005 SP1 std. edition on Windows 2003 SP1 std edition.

    I am updating a table on a Linded server like

      UPDATE t1

      SET t1.col1 = t2.col1

      FROM LinkerServer1.Database1.dbo.Table1 t1 INNER JOIN

           LinkerServer1.Database1.dbo.Table2 t2 ON t1.col2 = t2.col2

      WHERE t1.col2 IS NOT NULL AND t2.col2 IS NOT NULL

        AND t1.col2 = -21470

    t1.col2 is having a unique index on it so it selects only one row at a time.

    I created the linked servers like

    EXEC master.dbo.SP_ADDLINKEDSERVER @server = N'LinkerServer1'

    and i am added local sa as the linked server user with remote sa previleges.

    Now my issue is when i ran the above query it saying that 1 row is updated

    but actually it is not updating. I ran the query using IN instead of INNER JOIN

    still it says that 1 row is updated but row is not getting updated but the

    following querry

      UPDATE t1

      SET t1.col1 = 'Some value'

      FROM LinkerServer1.Database1.dbo.Table1 t1

      WHERE t1.col2 IS NOT NULL AND t1.col2 = -21470

    works fine which actually updates a row.

    Please let me know what is the mistake i am doing here.

    If you you need any further information please let me know.

    thanks in advance



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • what do you get if you run this:

    SELECT *

    FROM LinkerServer1.Database1.dbo.Table1 t1 INNER JOIN

    LinkerServer1.Database1.dbo.Table2 t2 ON t1.col2 = t2.col2

    WHERE t1.col2 IS NOT NULL AND t2.col2 IS NOT NULL

    AND t1.col2 = -21470


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