Updating rows in table from Select query

  • For some reporting purpose I am creating a table on fly

    Create #temp (

    COL1 Varchar(1)

    COL2 int

    COL3 int

    COL4 int

    COL5 int


    now I insert data in this table using some querie1 like

    Insert into #temp(COL1, COL2) SELECT ........

    Data inserted is as:::

    A, 1

    B, 23

    C, 24

    D, 25

    Now I want to update COL3, COL4,COL5 with different queries, only thing common is COL1

    SO if i want to update my #Temp for for COL3, I have a Select query which gives data like

    A, 101

    B, 203

    C, 204

    D, 205

    How can I update #temp and updating data from select query for all the rows in Col1, COL1 will be same for all the different select queries I have for other columns

    Please help, I am stuck...


  • Is this what you're looking for?


    UPDATE #temp

    Set col3 = 'whatever', col4 = 'whatever2', col5 = 'number'

    WHERE col1 = 'A' and col2 = '101

    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

  • Or maybe something like this?


    declare @t table (col1 varchar(1), col2 int, col3 int, col4 int, col5 int)

    insert @t (col1, col2)

              select 'A', 1

    union all select 'B', 23

    union all select 'C', 24

    union all select 'D', 25


    update a set a.col3 = b.col3

    from @t a inner join (

              select 'A' as col1, 101 as col3

    union all select 'B', 203

    union all select 'C', 204

    union all select 'D', 205) b on a.col1 = b.col1

    select * from @t


    col1 col2        col3        col4        col5       

    ---- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

    A    1           101         NULL        NULL

    B    23          203         NULL        NULL

    C    24          204         NULL        NULL

    D    25          205         NULL        NULL


    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • If you need to update the table just by joining the new resultsset you can do this by:

    UPDATE #TempTable

    SET COL3 = Query.Col3,

    COL4 = Query.Col4,

    COL5 = Query.Col5

    FROM #TempTable T



     SELECT COL3,COL4,COL5 FROM SomeSource

    ) Query

    ON T.Col1 = Query.Col1

    HTH, jens Suessmeyer.




  • You need to include Col1 in the subselect "Query" to do this..

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Thanks you all..

    Derived tables were the best solution..


  • I am using aggregate functions to update the columns in the table, so I had to use Derived table from derived tables, something like this:

    update a set a.col3 = c.col3

    from @t a inner join (

    Select 'A' as Col1, Count(Col3) as Col3

    FROM (

    select 'A' as col1, 101 as col3

    union all select 'B', 203

    union all select 'C', 204

    union all select 'D', 205) b

    )C on a.col1 = c.col1

    I was wondering, will this have any impact on performance, when I have to update aropund 10 columns with around 1 million records in the base table?

    Thank you again.


  • You only need the nested inline views (derived tables) because you are using

    (select 'A' as col1, 101 as col3

    union all select 'B', 203

    union all select 'C', 204

    union all select 'D', 205)

    to stand in for an actual table (or view, TVF, etc), for testing/demo purposes.

    In your actual query (i.e. where you are using values from the db, not literal values in the code), there would usually be no need to have a second inline view wrapped around the first, just to do the aggregation.

    Re: performance, if you mean: is introducing aggregates into the query likely to degrade performance, there is really no answer. The two statements (with and without aggregation) do different things, so can't be ranked for performance. If you need to achieve a particular result, there's no point in asking whether it would be quicker or use less resources to do something different instead.

    If you mean: does the inline view cause a performance hit, I think almost certainly not as the optimiser would eliminate it (but the optimiser can be unexpectedly obtuse sometimes). If it's redundant in your actual code, I would get rid of it, as a layer of unecessary complexity.

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

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