Updating only record

  • Hi all,

    I have problem trying to update one record where there may be more than one entry for a given date.

    RID EmpID Reason  selected   Date

    1    2       Good      0            2007-09-10

    2    2       Nice       0            2007-08-10

    3    1       Good      0            2007-09-10

    There are two tables involved selection and employee empid is from employee table and is the fkey.  I will like to only update one of the records without specifying the RID. Update on single value ignoring any record with the same empid and date  . The date column is datetime. The update will be passing to parameter from a web application. the application will calling the update store procedure

    declare empid int

    declare @date datetime

    Update selection

    set selected-'1'

    from selection, employee

    where selection.empid=@empid and ate=@date">Date=@date



    Jaime E. Maccou

    Edited by - jemacc on 09/12/2007 9:03:23 PM
  • If I understand correctly you are trying to update a specific employee record for a specific date. You mention that empid is a FK in the selection table to the employee table. I believe the code should be as follows:

    declare @empid int

    declare @date datetime

    UPDATE selection

    SET selected = 1

    WHERE empid=@empid and Date=@date

    The code you have "FROM selection, employee" creates a CROSS JOIN I believe.

  • Thank you for taking the time to respond. After reviewing  my data I had found that some of the date information was updated and the time portion of the date was missing or duplicated and since more than one row kept the same datetime ,the update statement criteria resulted in one or more rows meeting that criteria therefore more than one row was affected.  It is still interesting to know how to update just one of those rows which meet the same criteria.



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