Updating multiple columns in a single statement for a table according to non-matching column names

  • I need to populate a table containing customers’ ageing with the remaining amounts in each of four columns.  The customer’s record, which has columns Account No, Current, 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days + must be updated with the ageing, which is stored in a table with columns Account No, Period No, Remaining Amount).

    Run the script below to see a wrong result (using a single update statement) and a right result (using multiple update statements).  Is there a way to update all of the columns in a single statement?

    -- Create the temp table #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    CREATE TABLE #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No] varchar(1),
                 [Current] money default 0, -- Period 163
                 [30 Days] money default 0, -- Period 162
                 [60 Days] money default 0, -- Period 161
                 [90 Days +] money default 0) -- Period 160

    -- Create the temp table #RemainingAmounts

    CREATE TABLE #RemainingAmounts ([Account No] varchar(1),
               [Period No] smallint,
               [Remaining Amount] money)

    -- Populate #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    INSERT INTO #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No])
    VALUES ('A'),

    -- Populate #RemainingAmounts

    INSERT INTO #RemainingAmounts ([Account No],
              [Period No],
              [Remaining Amount])
    VALUES ('A', 160, 10),
       ('A', 161, 20),
       ('A', 162, 30),
       ('A', 163, 40),
       ('B', 161, 5),
       ('B', 162, 10),
       ('B', 163, 15),
       ('C', 160, 8),
       ('C', 163, 16)

    -- View tables (before update)

    SELECT *
    FROM #RemainingAmounts

    SELECT *
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    -- Update tables in single statement (attempt 1)

    SET  [Current] = CASE WHEN T2.[Period No] = 163
              THEN T2.[Remaining Amount]
             ELSE 0
       [30 Days] = CASE WHEN T2.[Period No] = 162
              THEN T2.[Remaining Amount]
             ELSE 0
       [60 Days] = CASE WHEN T2.[Period No] = 161
              THEN T2.[Remaining Amount]
             ELSE 0
       [90 Days +] = CASE WHEN T2.[Period No] = 160
               THEN T2.[Remaining Amount]
             ELSE 0
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport T1
       INNER JOIN #RemainingAmounts T2
          ON T1.[Account No] = T2.[Account No]

    -- View #TempAgeAnalysisReport table (after update) - wrong result

    SELECT *
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    -- Reset #TempAgeAnalysisReport table

    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    INSERT INTO #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No])
    VALUES ('A'),

    -- Update tables in multiple statements (attempt 2)

    SET [Current] = T2.[Remaining Amount]
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport T1
       INNER JOIN #RemainingAmounts T2
          ON T1.[Account No] = T2.[Account No]
    WHERE T2.[Period No] = 163

    SET [30 Days] = T2.[Remaining Amount]
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport T1
       INNER JOIN #RemainingAmounts T2
          ON T1.[Account No] = T2.[Account No]
    WHERE T2.[Period No] = 162

    SET [60 Days] = T2.[Remaining Amount]
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport T1
       INNER JOIN #RemainingAmounts T2
          ON T1.[Account No] = T2.[Account No]
    WHERE T2.[Period No] = 161

    SET [90 Days +] = T2.[Remaining Amount]
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport T1
       INNER JOIN #RemainingAmounts T2
          ON T1.[Account No] = T2.[Account No]
    WHERE T2.[Period No] = 160

    -- View #TempAgeAnalysisReport table (after update) - right result

    SELECT *
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    -- Drop tables

    DROP TABLE #TempAgeAnalysisReport
    DROP TABLE #RemainingAmounts

  • Is this what you're looking for?

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempAgeAnalysisReport', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #TempAgeAnalysisReport;
    CREATE TABLE #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No] varchar(1),
         [Current] money default 0, -- Period 163
         [30 Days] money default 0, -- Period 162
         [60 Days] money default 0, -- Period 161
         [90 Days +] money default 0); -- Period 160

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#RemainingAmounts', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #RemainingAmounts;
    CREATE TABLE #RemainingAmounts ([Account No] varchar(1),
        [Period No] smallint,
        [Remaining Amount] money);

    -- Populate #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    INSERT INTO #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No])
    VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('C');

    -- Populate #RemainingAmounts

    INSERT INTO #RemainingAmounts ([Account No],
        [Period No],
        [Remaining Amount])
    VALUES ('A', 160, 10),
     ('A', 161, 20), ('A', 162, 30), ('A', 163, 40),
     ('B', 161, 5), ('B', 162, 10), ('B', 163, 15),
     ('C', 160, 8), ('C', 163, 16);

    -- View tables (before update)

    SELECT *
    FROM #RemainingAmounts;

    SELECT *
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport;


        cte_SetRangesByPeriod AS (
                ra.[Account No],
                ra.[Period No],
                ra.[Remaining Amount],
                RangeGroup = DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY ra.[Period No] DESC)
                #RemainingAmounts ra
        cte_AggToGroups AS (
                srp.[Account No],
                Group1 = SUM(CASE WHEN srp.RangeGroup = 1 THEN srp.[Remaining Amount] ELSE 0 END),
                Group2 = SUM(CASE WHEN srp.RangeGroup = 2 THEN srp.[Remaining Amount] ELSE 0 END),
                Group3 = SUM(CASE WHEN srp.RangeGroup = 3 THEN srp.[Remaining Amount] ELSE 0 END),
                Group4 = SUM(CASE WHEN srp.RangeGroup >= 4 THEN srp.[Remaining Amount] ELSE 0 END)
                cte_SetRangesByPeriod srp
            GROUP BY
                srp.[Account No]
    UPDATE tar SET
        tar.[Current] = ag.Group1,
        tar.[30 Days] = ag.Group2,
        tar.[60 Days] = ag.Group3,
        tar.[90 Days +] = ag.Group4
        #TempAgeAnalysisReport tar
        JOIN cte_AggToGroups ag
            ON tar.[Account No] = ag.[Account No];

    SELECT *
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport;

  • Or you could use PIVOT:

    -- Create the temp table #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    CREATE TABLE #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No] varchar(1),
         [Current] money default 0, -- Period 163
         [30 Days] money default 0, -- Period 162
         [60 Days] money default 0, -- Period 161
         [90 Days +] money default 0) -- Period 160

    -- Create the temp table #RemainingAmounts

    CREATE TABLE #RemainingAmounts ([Account No] varchar(1),
        [Period No] smallint,
        [Remaining Amount] money)

    -- Populate #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    INSERT INTO #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No])
    VALUES ('A'),

    -- Populate #RemainingAmounts

    INSERT INTO #RemainingAmounts ([Account No],
        [Period No],
        [Remaining Amount])
    VALUES ('A', 160, 10),
     ('A', 161, 20),
     ('A', 162, 30),
     ('A', 163, 40),
     ('B', 161, 5),
     ('B', 162, 10),
     ('B', 163, 15),
     ('C', 160, 8),
     ('C', 163, 16)

    -- View tables (before update)

    SELECT *
    FROM #RemainingAmounts

    SELECT *
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    -- Update tables in single statement (attempt 1)

    SET [Current] = ISNULL(T2.[163], 0),
      [30 Days] = ISNULL(T2.[162], 0),
      [60 Days] = ISNULL(T2.[161], 0),
      [90 Days +] = ISNULL(T2.[160], 0)
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport T1
      INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM #RemainingAmounts PIVOT (SUM([Remaining Amount]) for [Period No] in ([160],[161],[162],[163]) ) P ) T2
       ON T1.[Account No] = T2.[Account No]

    -- View #TempAgeAnalysisReport table (after update) - right result

    SELECT *
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    -- Drop tables

    DROP TABLE #TempAgeAnalysisReport
    DROP TABLE #RemainingAmounts

  • Jason A. Long - Tuesday, June 13, 2017 10:10 AM

    Is this what you're looking for?

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempAgeAnalysisReport', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #TempAgeAnalysisReport;
    CREATE TABLE #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No] varchar(1),
         [Current] money default 0, -- Period 163
         [30 Days] money default 0, -- Period 162
         [60 Days] money default 0, -- Period 161
         [90 Days +] money default 0); -- Period 160

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#RemainingAmounts', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #RemainingAmounts;
    CREATE TABLE #RemainingAmounts ([Account No] varchar(1),
        [Period No] smallint,
        [Remaining Amount] money);

    -- Populate #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    INSERT INTO #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No])
    VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('C');

    -- Populate #RemainingAmounts

    INSERT INTO #RemainingAmounts ([Account No],
        [Period No],
        [Remaining Amount])
    VALUES ('A', 160, 10),
     ('A', 161, 20), ('A', 162, 30), ('A', 163, 40),
     ('B', 161, 5), ('B', 162, 10), ('B', 163, 15),
     ('C', 160, 8), ('C', 163, 16);

    -- View tables (before update)

    SELECT *
    FROM #RemainingAmounts;

    SELECT *
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport;


        cte_SetRangesByPeriod AS (
                ra.[Account No],
                ra.[Period No],
                ra.[Remaining Amount],
                RangeGroup = DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY ra.[Period No] DESC)
                #RemainingAmounts ra
        cte_AggToGroups AS (
                srp.[Account No],
                Group1 = SUM(CASE WHEN srp.RangeGroup = 1 THEN srp.[Remaining Amount] ELSE 0 END),
                Group2 = SUM(CASE WHEN srp.RangeGroup = 2 THEN srp.[Remaining Amount] ELSE 0 END),
                Group3 = SUM(CASE WHEN srp.RangeGroup = 3 THEN srp.[Remaining Amount] ELSE 0 END),
                Group4 = SUM(CASE WHEN srp.RangeGroup >= 4 THEN srp.[Remaining Amount] ELSE 0 END)
                cte_SetRangesByPeriod srp
            GROUP BY
                srp.[Account No]
    UPDATE tar SET
        tar.[Current] = ag.Group1,
        tar.[30 Days] = ag.Group2,
        tar.[60 Days] = ag.Group3,
        tar.[90 Days +] = ag.Group4
        #TempAgeAnalysisReport tar
        JOIN cte_AggToGroups ag
            ON tar.[Account No] = ag.[Account No];

    SELECT *
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport;

    Thank you for your prompt reply.  I see that by using the SUM function in cte_AggToGroups you have effectively transposed the remaining amounts per Account No.  Awesome!  Much appreciated.

  • sknox - Tuesday, June 13, 2017 4:21 PM

    Or you could use PIVOT:

    -- Create the temp table #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    CREATE TABLE #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No] varchar(1),
         [Current] money default 0, -- Period 163
         [30 Days] money default 0, -- Period 162
         [60 Days] money default 0, -- Period 161
         [90 Days +] money default 0) -- Period 160

    -- Create the temp table #RemainingAmounts

    CREATE TABLE #RemainingAmounts ([Account No] varchar(1),
        [Period No] smallint,
        [Remaining Amount] money)

    -- Populate #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    INSERT INTO #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No])
    VALUES ('A'),

    -- Populate #RemainingAmounts

    INSERT INTO #RemainingAmounts ([Account No],
        [Period No],
        [Remaining Amount])
    VALUES ('A', 160, 10),
     ('A', 161, 20),
     ('A', 162, 30),
     ('A', 163, 40),
     ('B', 161, 5),
     ('B', 162, 10),
     ('B', 163, 15),
     ('C', 160, 8),
     ('C', 163, 16)

    -- View tables (before update)

    SELECT *
    FROM #RemainingAmounts

    SELECT *
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    -- Update tables in single statement (attempt 1)

    SET [Current] = ISNULL(T2.[163], 0),
      [30 Days] = ISNULL(T2.[162], 0),
      [60 Days] = ISNULL(T2.[161], 0),
      [90 Days +] = ISNULL(T2.[160], 0)
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport T1
      INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM #RemainingAmounts PIVOT (SUM([Remaining Amount]) for [Period No] in ([160],[161],[162],[163]) ) P ) T2
       ON T1.[Account No] = T2.[Account No]

    -- View #TempAgeAnalysisReport table (after update) - right result

    SELECT *
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    -- Drop tables

    DROP TABLE #TempAgeAnalysisReport
    DROP TABLE #RemainingAmounts

    Thank you for your prompt reply.  I can see just how powerful and convenient the PIVOT command is.  My issue is that in the real world, I know that there will always be four periods but I do not know which periods they will be until I run the query.

    I guess I could use dynamic SQL to create the correct PIVOT syntax or I could use the following to equate each period with a number from 1 to 4 (using code from the previous post by Jason A. Long):

      cte_SetRangesByPeriod AS (
        ra.[Account No],
        ra.[Period No],
        ra.[Remaining Amount],
        RangeGroup = DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY ra.[Period No] DESC)
        #RemainingAmounts ra

    SET [Current] = ISNULL(T2.[1], 0),
    [30 Days] = ISNULL(T2.[2], 0),
    [60 Days] = ISNULL(T2.[3], 0),
    [90 Days +] = ISNULL(T2.[4], 0)
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport T1
    INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM cte_SetRangesByPeriod PIVOT (SUM([Remaining Amount]) for [RangeGroup] in ([1],[2],[3],[4]) ) P ) T2
     ON T1.[Account No] = T2.[Account No]

  • I'm not sure if this is a concern with regard to your specific data, but if you you have a circumstance where the "latest 4" periods are all present (193, 192, 191, 190) the DENSE_RANK function will skip over the missing value...
    For example, If we were to add an Account No = 'D' with a Period No = 166 (meaning that 195 & 194 aren't present in the data) then the Groups would line up like this: 1 = 166, 2 = 193, 3 = 192 & 4 = 191 and up...
    If this is a concern, you may want to consider a slightly different option where the latest Period No is determined up front and periods for groups 2, 3 & 4 are determined based on that to "prop open" any missing periods.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempAgeAnalysisReport', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #TempAgeAnalysisReport;
    CREATE TABLE #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No] varchar(1),
      [Current] money default 0, -- Period 163
      [30 Days] money default 0, -- Period 162
      [60 Days] money default 0, -- Period 161
      [90 Days +] money default 0); -- Period 160

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#RemainingAmounts', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #RemainingAmounts;
    CREATE TABLE #RemainingAmounts ([Account No] varchar(1),
      [Period No] smallint,
      [Remaining Amount] money);

    -- Populate #TempAgeAnalysisReport

    INSERT INTO #TempAgeAnalysisReport ([Account No])
    VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('C'), ('D');

    -- Populate #RemainingAmounts

    INSERT INTO #RemainingAmounts ([Account No],
      [Period No],
      [Remaining Amount])
    VALUES ('A', 160, 10),
    ('A', 161, 20), ('A', 162, 30), ('A', 163, 40),
    ('B', 161, 5), ('B', 162, 10), ('B', 163, 15),
    ('C', 160, 8), ('C', 163, 16),
    ('D', 166, 100);

    -- View tables (before update)

    SELECT *
    FROM #RemainingAmounts;

    SELECT *
    FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport;


    DECLARE @LatestPeriod INT = (SELECT MAX(ra.[Period No]) FROM #RemainingAmounts ra);

        cte_AggToGroups AS (
                ra.[Account No],
                Group1 = SUM(CASE WHEN fr.RangeGroup = 1 THEN fr.[Remaining Amount] ELSE 0 END),
                Group2 = SUM(CASE WHEN fr.RangeGroup = 2 THEN fr.[Remaining Amount] ELSE 0 END),
                Group3 = SUM(CASE WHEN fr.RangeGroup = 3 THEN fr.[Remaining Amount] ELSE 0 END),
                Group4 = SUM(CASE WHEN fr.RangeGroup = 4 THEN fr.[Remaining Amount] ELSE 0 END)    
                ( VALUES (1, @LatestPeriod), (2, @LatestPeriod - 1), (3, @LatestPeriod - 2), (4, @LatestPeriod - 3) ) rg (RangeGroup, [Period No])
                FULL JOIN #RemainingAmounts ra
                    ON rg.[Period No] = ra.[Period No]
                CROSS APPLY ( VALUES (ISNULL(rg.RangeGroup, 4), ISNULL(ra.[Remaining Amount], 0)) ) fr (RangeGroup, [Remaining Amount])
            GROUP BY
                ra.[Account No]
    UPDATE tar SET
      tar.[Current] = ag.Group1,
      tar.[30 Days] = ag.Group2,
      tar.[60 Days] = ag.Group3,
      tar.[90 Days +] = ag.Group4
      #TempAgeAnalysisReport tar
      JOIN cte_AggToGroups ag
       ON tar.[Account No] = ag.[Account No];

    SELECT * FROM #TempAgeAnalysisReport tar;

  • Thank you for your input.  It is much appreciated.
    Because the Period Nos are by definition all consecutive for a fixed number of periods (in this case 4), it is just a matter of determining the most recent period, which you do in your reply:
      DECLARE @LatestPeriod INT = (SELECT MAX(ra.[Period No]) FROM #RemainingAmounts ra);
    If this were not the case, your suggestion addresses the problem of missing periods.

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