Updating Information in a Table with Data from Another

  • Hello,

    I hope this is the right place for this post and that the question that now follows will not be deemed ridiculous or stupid by anyone 🙂

    I have 2 tables in SQL Server 2005, one contains a set of Names which are mapped to ID's. I have another table where items are mapped to people via their Names. I would like to replace all the Names in the item table with the ID's of the Names, as they are mapped in the second table. Is there a way to this with a clever SQL statement, or do i need to write a script that will generate individual UPDATE lines for each name?



  • Alter Table [tabletwo]

    Add ID int

    UPDATE tt

    SET tt.id = t.id

    From Tabletwo tt

    JOIN tableone t

    on tt.name = t.name

    --make sure there are no null ids in tabletwo before dropping the name column

    Alter Table tabletwo

    Drop name



  • Thank you very much! :kiss:

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