Updating connection settings from Dev to Test

  • Hi all,

    I am looking for a solution to help me migrate my packages from Dev to Test without having to manually go in to each package and update every connection to point it to the new location (egTest).

    The catch is the package should be able to be run on my local machine, another developers local machine, the actual server it is stored on, or another server and be smart enought to say 'hey, I belong to the Dev environment, therefore I need to connect to xyz' or the same for test.

    I am thinking of adding a step (ActiveX) at the start of each package to set the connection information, however I am not sure what property(s) I need to access to help determine the location/source of the package that is running.



  • Look at using an INI file to store the connection, but not the user and password (if they need to chang you are better off finding another method). Then you can pull the INI settings at run and set your connection from it.

  • Hi Antares, yes I have read that ini files can be used and is something I am considering, however I run both dev, test and prod packages from my local machine. If my understanding is correct I would need to modify the ini files every time I run a package connecting to a different enivronment?

    The current practise where  I work is to be able to run a given package from a host of machines and expect it to be configured to correctly.  


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