Update with Left Outer Join

  • Hi There,

    Is it possible to run an update statement on a table using a left outer join ? If so, what would your syntax look like ?

    This is my original select statement :-

    select * from calllog left outer join asgnmnt on asgnmnt.callid=calllog.callid

    where asgnmnt.assignee='Hanli Burger' and calllog.callstatus='Pending'

    I need to update a field on the asgnmnt table where the assignee is Hanli Burger and the call status is pending. The call status field is on the calllog table and the assignee field is on the asgnmnt table.



  • select *

    from calllog  T1

    left outer join asgnmnt T2

    on T2.callid=T1.callid

    where T2.assignee='Hanli Burger'

    and T1.callstatus='Pending'

    Update T1

     set colx = case when T2.coly is null then colx else T2.coly end

    from calllog  T1

    left outer join asgnmnt T2

    on T2.callid=T1.callid

    where T2.assignee='Hanli Burger'

    and T1.callstatus='Pending'

    Because you are using a where-clause refering a non-null column of T2 (asgnmnt) you will actualy toutch the same rows as with an inner join. Use the Innerjoin !


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