UPDATE with CASE Statement not updating all Records

  • Does anything appear to be wrong with the following CASE Statement?

    It always updates the First Column correctly but in most instances it does not update the 2nd and 3rd Columns.

    UPDATE Hist

    SET ABCField =


    WHEN Field1 = '2012' THEN 'Y'

    ELSE 'N'


    DEFField =


    WHEN Field2 = '9999' THEN 'Y'


    XyZField =


    WHEN Field2 = '9999' THEN 'Y'


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  • Looks ok to me.

    Please post DDL etc etc... 😀

  • Thanks. I would post the DDL but the DB is of a confidential nature so all that I can do is make something up.

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  • I don't know if you want this behavior or not, but since your last two cases don't have elses, it will set those fields to null if Field2 does not equal 9999.

  • roryp 96873 (6/28/2012)

    I don't know if you want this behavior or not, but since your last two cases don't have elses, it will set those fields to null if Field2 does not equal 9999.

    and on that note if those 2 columns are null all ready then you would see a null updated to null when field2 is not '9999'

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  • Welsh Corgi (6/28/2012)

    Does anything appear to be wrong with the following CASE Statement?

    It always updates the First Column correctly but in most instances it does not update the 2nd and 3rd Columns.

    UPDATE Hist

    SET ABCField =


    WHEN Field1 = '2012' THEN 'Y'

    ELSE 'N'


    DEFField =


    WHEN Field2 = '9999' THEN 'Y'


    XyZField =


    WHEN Field2 = '9999' THEN 'Y'


    You don't have ELSE clause for 2nd & 3rd column.

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  • I just checked and none of the CASE Statements are updating all of the records.

    Does anyone have an example of a Sercehed CASE Statement used to perform UPDATES.

    One that works.:hehe:

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  • Welsh Corgi (6/28/2012)

    I just checked and none of the CASE Statements are updating all of the records.

    Does anyone have an example of a Sercehed CASE Statement used to perform UPDATES.

    One that works.:hehe:

    When you run your update statement, do you get an error, or does it say (x rows(s) affected) after you've run it? It sounds like things are being updated, but they may not being changed the way you are expecting.

  • Welsh Corgi (6/28/2012)

    I just checked and none of the CASE Statements are updating all of the records.

    Does anyone have an example of a Sercehed CASE Statement used to perform UPDATES.

    One that works.:hehe:

    Unless there is an error the update you posted will update ABCField for every row in the table. You said to make it either Y or N and there is no where clause.

    Here is an example of an update with a CASE statement that will update every row in a table and it works. 😛

    UPDATE Hist

    SET ABCField =


    WHEN Field1 = '2012' THEN 'Y'

    ELSE 'N'



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  • Welsh Corgi (6/28/2012)

    I just checked and none of the CASE Statements are updating all of the records.

    Does anyone have an example of a Sercehed CASE Statement used to perform UPDATES.

    One that works.:hehe:

    Well, without a WHERE clause, all rows will be updated: To Y or N on FieldABC, and Y or NULL on DEF & XYZ fields:

    declare @hist table (id int identity(1,1), field1 varchar(10), field2 varchar(10), ABCField varchar(10), DEFField varchar(10), XyZField varchar(10))

    insert into @hist (field1, field2, ABCField, DEFField, XyZField) values

    ('2012', '9999', null, null, null),

    ('2012', '9999', '1', '1', '1'),

    (null, null, '1', '1', '1'),

    ('2002', '1111', '1', '1', '1'),

    (null, null, null, null, null)

    select * from @hist

    UPDATE @Hist

    SET ABCField =


    WHEN Field1 = '2012' THEN 'Y'

    ELSE 'N'


    DEFField =


    WHEN Field2 = '9999' THEN 'Y'


    XyZField =


    WHEN Field2 = '9999' THEN 'Y'


    select * from @hist

  • I have almost 200 Columns that I have to update,

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  • looks to me like you'll need 200 update statements, one for each possibility: otherwise you end up with unintended updates.


    SET ABCField =


    WHEN Field1 = '2012' THEN 'Y'

    ELSE 'N'


    WHERE Field1 = '2012'


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  • Since you can't post the actual table DDL and sample (made up data) for the table that demonstrates your problem, not much we can do unless you can put together a similiar issue using a table data that at least mirrors your problem. Not know exactly what is happening makes it difficult for us to create a situation that mirrors yours.

  • Lowell (6/28/2012)

    looks to me like you'll need 200 update statements, one for each possibility: otherwise you end up with unintended updates.

    I tried that and I encountered something very strange.

    I perform an Update to just update the record to 'Y' if it matched the criteria specified in the WHERE Clause but it updates not Just the record that are specified in the WHERE.

    Then I perform a simple UPDATE WHERE <> and it updates the records with a 'Y' to a 'N'.

    Very strange. I have never seen anything like it.

    I appreciate the feedback from everyone:-).

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  • All we are doing is taking shots in the dark. We can't see what you see. You have to set something up that at least mirrors the problem you are having and give that to us.

    We don't have the time to try and figure out what you are doing in an attempt to figure out a solution. Please help us help you.

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