Update Trigger Question

  • How do I capture the column names of the updated fields?  I can trap the user id, but i cant seem to figure out the syntax to capture which columns are being updated.

    Here's an example of my trigger:


     ON dbo.myTable



     IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Inserted) > 0


      IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Deleted) > 0


       INSERT Audit.DBO.audit_myTable


         auditUserID, auditOperation, auditDate, Column1, Column2



         SUSER_SNAME(), 'U', GETDATE(), Column1, Column2,     FROM


  • the syntax to tell if a column was updated is:

    IF update(Column_Name)

    but I don't understand what are you trying to accomplish? 


    * Noel

  • I am trying to create an audit table to capture insert, updates, and deletes. So far, i have it working with the exception of listing the names of the change fields. I would like to insert the names of the fields being updated into a column. This column will be used as a reference point when researching updates.

    For example:


    ID UserID ModifiedDate ModifiedColumns Column1 Column2

    1 Guest 1/1/2005 Column1 Blah Doh

    1 Guest 1/2/2005 Column1, Column2 BlahBlah Blah

    Original Table - MyTable

    ID Column1 Column2

    1 Doh Doh

  • That Design is not very consistent in the sense of hadling "multiple columns" updates.

    The two most used mechanisms are:

    1.Simply insert the deleted and the Inserted rows with "OLD" and "NEW" indicators on a table that mirrors  the same structure than the audited one

    2. Create ONE audit table for ALL tables  and create columns for PK,TableName,ColName, OldValue and NEWValue and on the Trigger generate one insert statement per column or use the union all with one select statement per column


    each has its pros and cons ....

    Up to you but usually the first approach is good enough



    * Noel

  • To add onto noeld's comment,

    You really want to keep auditing as fast as possible, creating a solution as you requested would cause the transaction to be open longer causing alot of contention issues in the table. which will effect performance.

    Pseudo code.

    Inserts: Insert into Mytable_Audit, Select from Inserted

    Updates Insert into Mytable_audit, Select from Deleted

    Deletes Insert into Mytable_audit, Select from Deleted

    so all rows from audit table unioned with row from Main table will give you the entire history of the record.

    Then make the old field new field functionality a function of the presentation layer.


  • I appreciate the feed back. I think im going to go with the mirrored approach and program the presentation layer to provide old data / new data information. Thanks everyone.

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