update trigger not updating across databases

  • I've written the following update trigger on my local machine, and i've tested it and works fine, but when I try to do in production, it doesn't work. I'm not sure what else to look at. I'm just updating a couple of phone extension columns on a different database. Any ideas.

    ALTER TRIGGER [trgUpdateExt]

    ON [dbo].[tblUser]



    DECLARE @ext varchar(5)

    DECLARE @user varchar(50)

    SELECT @ext = ext, @user = loginname

    FROM dbo.tblUser


    UPDATE test1.dbo.tblUser

    Set ext = @ext,

    ext2 = @ext

    where loginname = @user

    UPDATE test1.dbo.tblUser2

    Set ext = @ext,

    ext2 = @ext

    where loginname = @user


  • What doesn't work? By that I mean what behavior is occurring. The trigger looks fine syntactically, but it won't work if multiple rows are updated.

    Instead what you'd do is join the tblUser to the inserted table and set the values.

    The inserted table will have the same structure as tblUser and contain only the new values of the updated rows. So you can join on the PK (or the user) and update the extension.

  • Its not updating multiple rows. Its updating multiple columns on a row. Don't know if that makes a difference. I tried the following, but the update across the db is still not occurring. Again, it works fine in my test environment, just not production.




    ALTER TRIGGER [trgUpdateExt]

    ON [dbo].[tblUser]



    DECLARE @ext varchar(5)

    DECLARE @user varchar(50)

    SELECT @ext = ext, @user = loginname

    FROM inserted i

    inner join dbo.tblUser tu on tu.loginname = i.loginame

    print @ext

    print @user


    UPDATE test1.dbo.tblUser

    Set ext = @ext,

    ext2 = @ext

    where loginname = @user

    UPDATE test1.dbo.tblUser2

    Set ext = @ext,

    ext2 = @ext

    where loginname = @user


  • could it be security? does the uer who is inserting/updating into the table also have insert rights on the table in the other database?

    maybe these specific statements need EXECUTE AS to make them occur correcty:

    UPDATE test1.dbo.tblUser

    Set ext = @ext,

    ext2 = @ext

    where loginname = @user

    UPDATE test1.dbo.tblUser2

    Set ext = @ext,

    ext2 = @ext

    where loginname = @user


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Got it working thanks, it was the loginname column had some nulls, so I had to match on a different column. Dohh!

  • If it was security, I'd expect that it wouldn't update the original table and a rollback would occur. Is that what is happening?

    Also, I'd write it in case multiple rows are updated. If it never happens, you haven't lost anything. If it does, then you've written bad code, and it doesn't take any longer to write:

    UPDATE test1.dbo.tblUser

    Set ext = @ext,

    ext2 = @ext

    where loginname = @user

    than it does to write:

    UPDATE a

    Set ext = t1.ext,

    ext2 = t1.ext

    from inserted i

    inner join test1.dbo.tblUser a

    on a.loginname = i.loginname

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