Update to Base Table from Details Table

  • Create Table #Customer_Profile_Master1


    Lnno Varchar(15),

    Co_apcode_1_categ Varchar(200),

    Co_apcode_2_categ Varchar(200),

    Co_apcode_3_categ Varchar(200),

    Co_apcode_4_categ Varchar(200)


    Insert Into #Customer_Profile_Master1(Lnno)

    Values ('1')

    Select * from #Customer_Profile_Master1

    Drop table #Temp1

    Create Table #Temp1


    Lnno Varchar(15),

    CustCode Varchar(200),

    Co_apcode Varchar(200),

    Category Varchar(200),

    Rownumber Int


    Insert Into #Temp1

    Values ('1','M0000036','A0000026','SALARIED',1),

    ('1','M0000036','A0000027','SELF EMPLOYED PROFESSIONALS',2),


    Select * from #Temp1

    My Requirement is I want to update in #Customer_Profile_Master1 table from #Temp1 as

    Co_apcode_1_categ = For that Lnno if Rownumber = 1 then corresponding Category should be updated

    Co_apcode_2_categ = For that Lnno if Rownumber = 2 then corresponding Category should be updated

    Co_apcode_3_categ = For that Lnno if Rownumber = 3 then corresponding Category should be updated

    Co_apcode_4_categ = For that Lnno if Rownumber = 4 then corresponding Category should be updated

    I had tried this way but it is not working for me,

    Update #Customer_Profile_Master1

    Set Co_apcode_1_categ = Case when B.Rownumber = 1 then B.Category else '' End,

    Co_apcode_2_categ = Case when B.Rownumber = 2 then B.Category else '' End,

    Co_apcode_3_categ = Case when B.Rownumber = 3 then B.Category else '' End,

    Co_apcode_4_categ = Case when B.Rownumber = 4 then B.Category else '' End

    From #Customer_Profile_Master A Join #Temp1 B

    On A.Lnno = B.Lnno

    Please help me as I need this in urgent.

    Thanks in Advance!

  • I don't think this is the fastest solution, but it will work:

    Select * from #Temp1

    Select * from #Customer_Profile_Master1

    Update #Customer_Profile_Master1

    set Co_apcode_1_categ = (select top 1 Category from #temp1 where rownumber = 1 and cpm.lnno = lnno)

    , Co_apcode_2_categ = (select top 1 Category from #temp1 where rownumber = 2 and cpm.lnno = lnno)

    , Co_apcode_3_categ = (select top 1 Category from #temp1 where rownumber = 3 and cpm.lnno = lnno)

    , Co_apcode_4_categ = (select top 1 Category from #temp1 where rownumber = 4 and cpm.lnno = lnno)

    from #Customer_Profile_Master1 cpm

    Select * from #Customer_Profile_Master1

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Another solution is to PIVOT the #temp1 table and join this with the table you want to update

    -- Pivot source table and join with table to update

    Update #Customer_Profile_Master1

    set Co_apcode_1_categ = [1]

    , Co_apcode_2_categ = [2]

    , Co_apcode_3_categ = [3]

    , Co_apcode_4_categ = [4]

    FROM (

    SELECT lnno

    , Category

    , Rownumber

    FROM #temp1

    ) AS SourceTable

    PIVOT(MAX(Category) FOR Rownumber IN (


    , [2]

    , [3]

    , [4]

    )) AS PivotTable

    inner join #Customer_Profile_Master1

    on PivotTable.lnno = #Customer_Profile_Master1.lnno

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Thanks a Lot!

    Its worked for me!

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