May 17, 2006 at 1:13 pm
I want to update the field noTarjeta on my table tbFactuLineas, but the condition to know if I can update it is in tbFactuCabezas, how can I do that.
I was thinking on this but it isn't works:
select tbfactulineas.NOTARJETA from tbfactucabecera
inner join tbfactulineas on
where tbfactucabecera.statusFactura='G' and
tbfactulineas.nocliente=2000 and
SET NOTARJETA='10000000000000500213'
May 17, 2006 at 1:20 pm
This syntax should work. I could not test it as you did not include your table DDL and sample data. It may need tweaked slightly, but the idea is sound.
UPDATE tbfactulineas
SET NOTARJETA='10000000000000500213'
FROM tbfactulineas.NOTARJETA
inner join tbfactucabecera
on tbfactucabecera.nocliente=tbfactulineas.nocliente
and tbfactucabecera.noOrden=tbfactulineas.noorden
where tbfactucabecera.statusFactura='G'
and tbfactulineas.nocliente=2000
and tbfactulineas.noemple='123456'
May 17, 2006 at 1:21 pm
Try this:
UPDATE tbFactuLineas
SET NoTarjeta = '10000000000000500213'
FROM tbfactucabecera
INNER JOIN tbfactulineas
ON tbfactucabecera.nocliente=tbfactulineas.nocliente
AND tbfactucabecera.noOrden=tbfactulineas.noorden
WHERE tbfactucabecera.statusFactura='G'
AND tbfactulineas.nocliente=2000
AND tbfactulineas.noemple='123456'
May 17, 2006 at 1:24 pm
It works!!
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