Update Task Wont work during DTS Execution

  • We have a database where two of the tables contain current and historical data.  We can't truncate and append or we would lose the historical data.  What I'm trying to do is have an SQL task update table A and B with current information for active items only.  Although I get a successful run and don't have a problem with Table A(@170,000 records), when I look at table B (@600,000 records) after the DTS job, there is no data in the fields.  I tracked it down to this update task.  Here's the part I don't understand - if I pull this SQL task out into another DTS and kick it off, it puts the data in.  However, if I execute just this task in the big, happy, do everything DTS, it appears to run but the fields are still blank in Table B.  Is this a SQL timeout issue that isn't apparent to us?  Do we need to set the command timeout to other than 0?  Or do we have to set up a special DTS to update after the big process is run? 

  • A timeout value of 0 means "unlimited".  With this value, a query should never timeout.  Concerning the update statement, turn on logging in the DTS to see what is happening with this task.  Is it really being executed or has it been disabled?

  • Thanks, Bellis!

    I had no clue how to turn on the DTS log but once I figured it out I immediately found out that I had a bad reference.  Now everything's running like it should. 

    Goes to show that you're never too old to learn something new!

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