Update Table on a LINKED Server

  • Hello,

    I am running SQL Server 2000 (local) and have another database on  a linked server.

    I need to update the remote table (table in linked server) using a join on a local table.

    The following statement works, but takes FOREVER:

    UPDATE LnkSvrTbl SET [LinkCol_1] = LocalSQLTbl.[LocalCol_1]

    FROM LocalSQLTbl INNER JOIN LinkedServerName.DBName..TblName LnkSvrTbl ON

    LocalSQLTbl.[LocalCol_ID] = LnkSvrTbl .[LinkCol_ID]

    WHERE (LocalSQLTbl.[LocalCol_2]='XYZ')AND(LnkSvrTbl.[LinkCol_3]='ABC')

    How can I get this to run faster?

    Should I never join a local table and a remote table?. That makes linked servers useless?.

    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.



  • You could try to reduce the rows selected in the Linked Server like this

    UPDATE u

    SET [LinkCol_1] = l.[LocalCol_1]

    FROM OPENQUERY(LinkedServerName, 'SELECT [LinkCol_ID],[LinkCol_1] FROM DBName..TblName WHERE LinkCol_3]=''ABC''') u

    INNER JOIN LocalSQLTbl l

    ON l.[LocalCol_ID] = u.[LinkCol_ID]

    WHERE l.[LocalCol_2] = 'XYZ'

    but if the number of rows to be updated in the Linked Server is large then I suggest using DTS to transfer the [LocalCol_2] = 'XYZ' rows to the linked server and doing the JOIN/UPDATE there.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Joining a local table to a remote table isn't always a bad idea but

    DML queries on remote servers are always painful. It is much faster to run updates on Local tables joined to remote tables.

    Assuming you need to run this query on your local server, here is a trick to make it much faster.

    Let's assume you have table X on server A (local) and Table Y on server B (remote)

    EXEC B.master.dbo.sp_executeSQL N'UPDATE db.Y

    SET Y.col = X.Col

    FROM db.Y

    INNER JOIN A.db.dbo.X X

    ON ...'

    Naturally you will need to create a linked server pointing to A on B. Let me know if you have any questions.


    Robert Cary


    SQL guy and Houston Magician

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