Update Statment Issue, Looking For Optimized solution

  • Hello Friends,

    I am looking for optimized solution, to update the values from one table to another table. Currently I am executing the update statement into the Courser. Actual data is huge, want to update millions of records. Please see the simulated code below,

    I have two tables TABLE_1 and TABLE_2



    Code_1 VARCHAR(10),

    Value_1 VARCHAR(10)




    Code_2 VARCHAR(10),

    Value_2 VARCHAR(10)



    Select 'PO_1', 'VAL_1' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_2', 'VAL_2' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_3', 'VAL_3' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_4', 'VAL_4' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_5', 'VAL_5' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_6', 'VAL_6' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_7', 'VAL_7' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_8', 'VAL_8' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_9', 'VAL_9' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_10', 'VAL_10' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_11', 'VAL_11' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_12', 'VAL_12' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_13', 'VAL_13'


    Select 'PO_1', '' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_2', '' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_3', '' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_5', '' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_6', '' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_7', '' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_8', '' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_10', '' UNION ALL

    Select 'PO_11', ''

    Here I have executed update statement for single Record,


    SET Value_2 = (SELECT Value_1 FROM @TABLE_1 WHERE Code_1 = 'PO_1')

    WHERE Code_2 = 'PO_1'

    Same statement I have executed into the Courser .

    I have Update the millions of records,

    Is there any solution to avoid the Courser, and Update the values in single Update statement.

    Thank U,


  • Try this:

    update B set Value_2=Value_1 from @TABLE_2 B inner join @TABLE_1 A

    on Code_1=Code_2

  • Thank you very much,


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