Update statement works, but I don't think it should

  • So I am updateing one record, my update statement returns three records. Normally I would expect to see an error. But my record is being updated. Is it picking the value with the lowest value? The first record in the set?

    I didn't think this was possible. Anyone know anything about how SQL Server decides what value to update a field with when more than one record are returned by the update statement?


    DECLARE @ProductTotals TABLE (ProductID varchar(10), Revenue money)

    insert into @ProductTotals (ProductID, Revenue)

    values ('Bike',null)

    select * from @ProductTotals

    DECLARE @Price TABLE ( ProductID varchar(10), Price money)

    insert into @Price




    select * from @Price

    update @ProductTotals

    set Revenue = Price

    from @ProductTotals PT join @Price P on PT.ProductID = P.ProductID

    select * from @ProductTotals

  • Are you saying that you are updating 1 record using the results of a subquery which is returning 3 records? In that case it really isn't definded which of the 3 values would be the final one. It would be better to ensure your subquery only returned 1 row per row you were updating.

  • An UPDATE updates all rows that match the selection criteria. UPDATE statements do not return rows, unless you have an OUTPUT clause.

    If you really want some help, you need to post your UPDATE statement, a statement to create the table that will be updated, and some inserts to populate that table with data to be updated.

  • computer.mike (12/4/2012)

    So I am updateing one record, my update statement returns three records. Normally I would expect to see an error. But my record is being updated. Is it picking the value with the lowest value? The first record in the set?

    I didn't think this was possible. Anyone know anything about how SQL Server decides what value to update a field with when more than one record are returned by the update statement?

    Something like:

    Update MyTable

    set MyColumn = SomeValue

    from MyTable mt

    join MyOtherTable mot on mt.key = mot.key

    where SomeColumn = SomeCondition

    And if you run that as a select it would return 3 rows?

    The actual value will be the value from the last row in the result set. Of course there is no order by clause so there is no way to know what the order is. If you are uncertain which row why are you running the update like this? You need to further your where clause to get a single row.


    To further clarify, what Michael said above is totally accurate. In the scenario I posted it would update all 3 rows and the value would come from the "last" one, what ever that might be.


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  • This behaviour is documented in BOL, look at the section 'Using the UPDATE statement with information from another table'



    You need to correct your UPDATE statement to join to only one row. Alternatively using the MERGE statement would generate an error if multiple rows are updated.


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