Update records used in Group By

  • I have this query to create a summary of donations

    SELECT [DonorId], SUM([DonationAmount]) AS TotalDonation
    FROM [dbo].[Donation]
    GROUP BY [DonorId], [DonationYear]

    What I need to do is then create a single receipt for those records.  The receipt creation process can be run at any time (not just at year end)

    What method should be used so that the records in [dbo].[Donation] that were summed in that receipt get marked as receipted (Receipt # added to them?)  I know there would need to be a WHERE clause added to exclude processed donations.

    I know I could handle this in a stored procedure with cursors but is there a more elegant way?

    Thanks in advance for all suggestions.

  • Why are you grouping by DonationYear when you're not selecting it? You could get multiple summary rows w/o the context of DonationYear.

    What are the business rules/algorithm for ReceiptNumber?  Just an integer from a Sequence?

    1. Insert summaries into a temp table (or perhaps a permanent Summary/Receipt table w/ update time for reporting) w/ Receipt Number.
    2. Update dbo.Donation w/ ReceiptNumber from the summary table if needed (though this seems unnecessary if you use permanent Receipt/Summary table).
    3. Select from the summary table if needed for receipt generation.
  • perhaps this will help...


    DROP TABLE if exists #batch 
    create table #batch (batchID int IDENTITY(1,1),
    batchDate datetime2 Default(getDate()),

    DROP TABLE if exists #batch_donation_match
    create table #batch_donation_match (batchID int,
    donationID int

    DROP TABLE if exists ##receipt_detail
    create table #receipt_detail (batchID int, donorID int, donationYear int, donationAmount decimal(18,2), receiptNum varchar(100)

    DROP TABLE if exists #donation
    create table #donation (donationID int IDENTITY(1,1), donorID int, donationYear int, amount decimal(18,2), batchID int)

    ---INsert some data:
    INSERT INTO #donation SELECT 456, 2022, 2000.50, -1
    INSERT INTO #donation SELECT 789, 2022, 1000.50, -1
    INSERT INTO #donation SELECT 789, 2022, 200.50, -1
    INSERT INTO #donation SELECT 456, 2022, 125.50, -1

    declare @batchID int
    INSERT INTO #batch (batchDate) SELECT GEtDate()
    SET @batchID = Scope_identity()

    INSERT INTO #batch_donation_match
    SELECT @batchID, donationID FROM #donation WHERE batchID = -1

    INSERT into #receipt_detail
    SELECT max(m.batchID), donorID, donationYear, Sum(amount), concat(donorID, ';', MAX(m.batchID)) /*THis is the receipt number--adjust as needed */
    FROM #donation d
    JOIN #batch_donation_match m on d.donationID = m.donationID and m.batchID = @batchID
    GROUP BY donorID, donationYear

    update d set batchID = @batchID
    --SELECT *
    FROM #donation d
    JOIN #batch_donation_match m on m.donationID = d.donationID and m.batchID = @batchID


    --Take a look at the data
    SELECT * FROM #donation
    SELECT d.*, b.batchDate as receiptDate
    FROM #receipt_detail d
    JOIN #batch b on b.batchID = d.batchID

    --Input more records:
    INSERT INTO #donation SELECT 345, 2022, 90.50, -1
    INSERT INTO #donation SELECT 789, 2022, 6.50, -1
    INSERT INTO #donation SELECT 789, 2022, 1.50, -1
    INSERT INTO #donation SELECT 456, 2022, 125.50, -1

    --run the "sproc" again, look
    SELECT * FROM #donation
    SELECT d.*, b.batchDate as receiptDate
    FROM #receipt_detail d
    JOIN #batch b on b.batchID = d.batchID
  • Ratbak,

    I should be selecting DonationYear, just didn't think of it when I was doing some preliminary testing.

    The Receipt # can be any sequence although likely will be DonationYear and a sequence number.

  • jmetape,

    I think that will work very well.


  • Cool, glad I could help. I’ve certainly received quite a bit of help from this forum.


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