update query question

  • I have the following table

    fiirstname lastname SSN , DOB, orderId
    AAA    BBB   null  01/01/1980    null
    AAA    BBB   null   01/01/1980   1234
    AAA   BBB  null     01/01/1980     null
    LLL     CCC  null   01/12/1980     111
    LLL CC        null    01/12/1980     null

    I need to update the ordereID on the same table on first last name , DOB and SSN match

    Result -

    fiirstname lastname SSN , DOB, orderId
    AAA    BBB   null  01/01/1980    1234
    AAA    BBB   null   01/01/1980   1234
    AAA   BBB  null     01/01/1980     1234
    LLL     CCC  null   01/12/1980     111
    LLL CC        null    01/12/1980     111

  • Hi  Guras
    I think something like this will do the trick:

    UPDATE t1
    SET t1.OrderID = v.OrderID
    FROM table_1 t1
    CROSS APPLY(SELECT top 1 t2.OrderID
      FROM table_1 t2
      where t2.FirstName = t1.FirstName and t2.LastName = t1.LastName and (t2.SSN = t1.SSN OR (t1.SSN IS NULL AND t2.SSN IS NULL)) and t2.OrderId IS NOT NULL) v
    WHERE t1.OrderID IS NULL

  • Guras - Friday, June 22, 2018 11:27 AM

    I have the following table

    fiirstname lastname SSN , DOB, orderId
    AAA    BBB   null  01/01/1980    null
    AAA    BBB   null   01/01/1980   1234
    AAA   BBB  null     01/01/1980     null
    LLL     CCC  null   01/12/1980     111
    LLL CC        null    01/12/1980     null

    I need to update the ordereID on the same table on first last name , DOB and SSN match

    Result -

    fiirstname lastname SSN , DOB, orderId
    AAA    BBB   null  01/01/1980    1234
    AAA    BBB   null   01/01/1980   1234
    AAA   BBB  null     01/01/1980     1234
    LLL     CCC  null   01/12/1980     111
    LLL CC        null    01/12/1980     111

    What if you have multiple order id for the same match(on first last name , DOB and SSN) ?


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