Update partition view causes TAB Lock for all partition tables

  • Does anyone has any idea why code below will cause TAB lock to all my partition tables?

    UPDATE tbl_Partition1

    FROM v_Partition t1, tbl_JoinTable t2

    WHERE t1.partitionKey = myPartitionKey

    AND t1.key = t2.key

    I am updating my partition table. However, I need to use my partition view to join with another table in order to give me some result.

    This query locks all my partition tables. (let say, I have 5 partition tables)


  • What are you trying to update?

    UPDATE tbl_Partition1

    SET ?????? = ?????

    FROM v_Partition t1

    INNER JOIN tbl_JoinTable t2 ON t1.key = t2.key

    WHERE t1.partitionKey = tbl_Partition1.myPartitionKey

    Code for TallyGenerator

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