Update Partial Field

  • Problem

    I have this SQL 2005 database with a PRODUCTS table which has over 15,000 rows and all have the same part of a path for a product image url that will no longer will work.

    How would I write the query to update only the column, ImageUrl, partially in each of row of the product?

    In one of the rows:


    Want it to be:


    I need the




    to be there along with the path replaced.

    Your help is appreciated.

  • You can just use the update part below, but the rest is there to show you that it works.

    DECLARE @sampleTable TABLE (pictureURL VARCHAR(100))

    INSERT @sampleTable

    SELECT '~/products/art-frame-direct/accessories/baskets/10484803.jpg'


    SELECT '~/products/art-frame-direct/accessories/baskets/10484873.jpg'


    SELECT '~/products/art-frame-direct/accessories/baskets/88884873.jpg'


    SELECT '~/products/art-frame-direct/accessories/baskets/99984873.jpg'

    SELECT * FROM @sampleTable

    UPDATE @sampleTable

    SET pictureURL = '~/ProductImage' + RIGHT(pictureURL, LEN(pictureURL) - 47)

    SELECT * FROM @sampleTable


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    Jason L. Selburg
  • What does the -47 do? I am trying to figure out if I wanted to modify what to remove?

  • It's taken the right part of the field minus 47 characters (the width of the text you want removed)


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • PERFECT!!!

    I did one row using the

    WHERE Product_Id =

    statement. I then made the modifications and checked my results until the desired path was created....gulped, and did it to all 15,000 products :w00t:

  • Modification:

    Now, how would I UPDATE using that query now, but on the LEFT side?



    Want to UPDATE the PRODUCTS table column, UrlImage, from the Sku column in the same table to be:


    .jpg not being in the Sku column

    Thank You

  • Well, it's past my bed time. Just gave up on watching the Colts vs. Ravens... GO COLTS!

    I can't help you tonight, but play around on your development bax. Look into LEFT, RIGHT, and CHARINDEX in books Online.


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • Try the REPLACE command.

    UPDATE [your_table]

    SET [your_field] = REPLACE([your_field],'products/art-frame-direct/accessories/baskets/', '')

    WHERE ...

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