Update only if not null

  • Hi,

    I have this update statement,

    UPDATE products SET productdetail = @detail, productprice = @price WHERE productid = @id.

    Sometimes the value of @price will be null. For those cases, I don't want to update the price, I want to update only the detail. Is it possible to do in one single statement. I can do two updates, update detail followed by update price if price not null. But I would like to know if there is any other way to do it.


  • UPDATE products

     SET productdetail = @detail,

     productprice = @price

    WHERE productid = @id

      and @Price is not null

  • No but I still want to update the detail even if the price is null. I think the above statement either updates both detail and price or updates neither.

  • Hello Senthil

    if (@price is null)

    UPDATE products

     SET productdetail = @detail

    WHERE productid = @id


    UPDATE products

     SET productdetail = @detail,

     productprice = @price

    WHERE productid = @id

      and @Price is not null




  • This is what I initially thought of. Its part of a big stored procedure. I am just curious if I can do it in one statement, to reduce the clutter. I guess not. Thanks.

  • >I guess not.

    Guess again

    UPDATE products

     SET productdetail = @detail, 

     --Set productprice equal to itself, if @price is null

     productprice = IsNull(@price, productprice)

    WHERE productid = @id

    [Edit] Dang, too slow

  • UPDATE products

    SET productdetail = @detail,

          productprice = ISNULL(@price, productprice)

    WHERE productid = @id.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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