Update of text field removing Cr Lf

  • I have a query that replaces the contents of a text field. The new contents includes carrage return and linefeed characters. When I look at the field after the update, it appears the carriage return and linefeeds are being replaced by blanks. Anyone have an idea as to why this might be happening? The update is being done using a command object in .Net. Here's the code:

    Dim rdr As SqlDataReader

    Dim alertNotes As String

    cmd.CommandText = "Select Notes From PatientTable " & _

    "Where PatientId = " & _

    "(Select PatientID From PatientVisitTable " & _

    "Where TicketNumber = '" & ticketNumber & "')"

    rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()

    If rdr.HasRows Then


    alertNotes = rdr.Item("Notes")


    alertNotes = "Test Account " & Me.mtbPhone.Text & ControlChars.CrLf & alertNotes

    cmd.CommandText = "Update PatientTable " & _

    "Set Notes = '" & alertNotes & "' " & _

    "Where PatientId = " & _

    "(Select PatientID From PatientVisitTable " & _

    "Where TicketNumber = '" & ticketNumber & "')"

    rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

    If rowsAffected > 0 Then

    profileCnt += 1


    nomatchProfileCnt += 1

    End If



    End If


  • If you're looking at it in the grid mode, then it will look as if the CrLf's are blanks... try looking at it in the text mode.

    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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