update from Oracle -> SQL Server 2000

  • We have started a SQL Server instance that gets data from a (remote) Oracle Warehouse.  I have used DTS to get the initial set of data that we need but need a method to update the SQL Server from Oracle.  This is strictly a table - table tranformation.

    A few suggestions so far:

    (1) Truncate the SQL Server table and just re-acquire the data.

    (2) Set up Oracle as linked server and update from join query ...

          I like this one but I can't figure out how to get around the issue of having too many arguments [linked server].[schema].[table name].[element] = BARF!

    (3) Create a temp table do a binary checksum ... update ... dump the temp table

    Kindest Regards,

    Seth Washeck

    If nothing in this world satisfies me, perhaps it is because I was made for another world.
    C. S. Lewis

  • 1. Simple but not verra elegant

    2. Create linked server views using Openquery and join on the results. Much less BARFY

    3. Suppose it would work.


    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

  • Thanks!  I had just "discovered" Openquery.

    Kindest Regards,

    Seth Washeck

    If nothing in this world satisfies me, perhaps it is because I was made for another world.
    C. S. Lewis

  • ok, i'll bite.....what is openquery?  where do I find this, and what does it do?

  • Ala Books On Line:


    Executes the specified pass-through query on the given linked server, which is an OLE DB data source. The OPENQUERY function can be referenced in the FROM clause of a query as though it is a table name. The OPENQUERY function can also be referenced as the target table of an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, subject to the capabilities of the OLE DB provider. Although the query may return multiple result sets, OPENQUERY returns only the first one.


    OPENQUERY ( linked_server , 'query' )

    and an example (Very messy query built by Business Objects (urk)):


      EMDET.DET_SUR_INITA Surname_Initial,

      EMDET.DET_NUMBERA Employee_Number,

      EMPOS.POS_TITLEA Position_Title,

      EMPOS.POS_NUMBERA Position_Number,

      EmployeeOrganisationL1.GNA_ORG_CODEA || '' - '' || EmployeeOrganisationL1.GNA_ORG_NAMEA L1_Desc,

      EmployeeDivisionL2.GNA_ORG_CODEA || '' - '' || EmployeeDivisionL2.GNA_ORG_NAMEA L2_Desc,

      EmployeeBranchL3.GNA_ORG_CODEA || '' - '' || EmployeeBranchL3.GNA_ORG_NAMEA L3_Desc,

      decode(EMPOS.POS_STATUSA,''FT'',''Full Time Temporary'',

    decode(EMPOS.POS_STATUSA,''FP'',''Full Time Permanent'',Decode(EMPOS.POS_STATUSA,''EL'',''Elected Member'',Decode(EMPOS.POS_STATUSA,''PT'',''Part Time Temporary'',Decode(EMPOS.POS_STATUSA,''PP'',''Part Time Permanent'',Decode(EMPOS.POS_STATUSA,''VC'',''Variable Casual'',EMPOS.POS_STATUSA)))))) Type,


      EmployeeUnitL4.GNA_ORG_CODEA || '' - '' || EmployeeUnitL4.GNA_ORG_NAMEA L4




      ORGNA  EmployeeOrganisationL1,

      ORGNA  EmployeeDivisionL2,

      ORGNA  EmployeeBranchL3,

      ORGNA  EmployeeUnitL4


      ( EmployeeOrganisationL1.GNA_LEVEL_NOA=1 AND EmployeeOrganisationL1.GNA_EXP_DATED IS NULL  )

      AND  ( EmployeeDivisionL2.GNA_LEVEL_NOA=2 AND EmployeeDivisionL2.GNA_EXP_DATED IS NULL  )

      AND  ( EmployeeBranchL3.GNA_LEVEL_NOA=3 AND EmployeeBranchL3.GNA_EXP_DATED IS NULL  )

      AND  ( EMPOS.POS_L1_CDA=EmployeeOrganisationL1.GNA_ORG_CODEA  )

      AND  ( EMPOS.POS_L2_CDA=EmployeeDivisionL2.GNA_ORG_CODEA  )

      AND  ( EMPOS.POS_L3_CDA=EmployeeBranchL3.GNA_ORG_CODEA  )

      AND  ( EmployeeUnitL4.GNA_LEVEL_NOA=4 AND EmployeeUnitL4.GNA_EXP_DATED IS NULL  )

      AND  ( EMPOS.POS_L4_CDA=EmployeeUnitL4.GNA_ORG_CODEA  )


      AND  (

      ( (EMPOS.POS_ENDD is null or  EMPOS.POS_ENDD >= sysdate )  )







      EmployeeOrganisationL1.GNA_ORG_CODEA || '' - '' || EmployeeOrganisationL1.GNA_ORG_NAMEA,

      EmployeeDivisionL2.GNA_ORG_CODEA || '' - '' || EmployeeDivisionL2.GNA_ORG_NAMEA,

      EmployeeBranchL3.GNA_ORG_CODEA || '' - '' || EmployeeBranchL3.GNA_ORG_NAMEA,

      decode(EMPOS.POS_STATUSA,''FT'',''Full Time Temporary'',

    decode(EMPOS.POS_STATUSA,''FP'',''Full Time Permanent'',

    Decode(EMPOS.POS_STATUSA,''EL'',''Elected Member'',Decode(EMPOS.POS_STATUSA,''PT'',''Part Time Temporary'',Decode(EMPOS.POS_STATUSA,''PP'',''Part Time Permanent'',Decode(EMPOS.POS_STATUSA,''VC'',''Variable Casual'',EMPOS.POS_STATUSA)))))),


      EmployeeUnitL4.GNA_ORG_CODEA || '' - '' || EmployeeUnitL4.GNA_ORG_NAMEA


    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

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