update from max of other table :-(

  • Hi all,


    I am trying to update a table from what is probably a simple script but it has been 'doing my head in' for the last 2 hours!!!

    I have a table (stock) that contains fields: product,price.

    I want to populate (update) the price with the MAX value from a different table (suppliers) where the product codes are the same in both


    update stock set price = max(supplier.price) where stock.product=supplier.product

    Bear in mind, the supplier table will have many occurences of the product (hence wanting the MAX).

    When i try this, it doesn't like using the aggregate across the queiries i have attempted.

    please,please, nay - pretty please help or i'll go from to to to

    Thanks in advance,



  • How bout

    UPDATE S1 SET Price = S2.Price

      FROM dbo.Stock S1

        INNER JOIN (SELECT Product, MAX(Price) Price

                      FROM dbo.Supplier

                    GROUP BY Product) S2

        ON S1.Product = S2.Product

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • You the man!

    Perfectly simple, exactly what i was after.

    Thanks very much for that AJ


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