Update clause

  • Would this update statement work? both the SET & WHERE have the same columns:

    Update Table S_Offce

    SET rep_name = 'Larry'

    WHERE rep_name = 'Berry'

    I have no other column that could uniquely identify Berry.

    thank you

  • It should. It will update every record that would be selected by the filter, though. So you may update more records than you intended to.

  • Yes there are approx. 200 records where Berry needs to be replaced with Larry.

  • execute a select statement with the same filter to make sure you don't get any false positives, and when you've fixed that part, use the filter/where clause in your update statement.

    see if this returns any values you don't want...

    SELECT *

    FROM S_Office

    WHERE rep_name = 'Berry';

    Then if it's okay

    UPDATE S_Office

    SET rep_name = 'Larry'

    WHERE rep_name = 'Berry';

  • Just in case of interest I write UPDATEs with an Alias so that we can test them with minimal code changes


    -- [highlight="#ffff11"]SELECT *

    -- SELECT COUNT(*)

    FROM S_Office AS U

    WHERE rep_name = 'Berry';[/highlight]

    I highlight from one of the SELECT debug statements to the end and EXECUTE that to check, and it is it is OK then I run the UPDATE.

    Also possible to toggle the "--" comment on this (if it is buried in a procedure) to get an output rather than an update

    [highlight="#ffff11"]-- UPDATE U

    SELECT *[/highlight]

    -- SELECT COUNT(*)

    FROM S_Office AS U

    WHERE rep_name = 'Berry';

    My personal preference is to try to write this in a way that has minimal code change between the test and runtime options so there is less chance of my wrecking something when I toggle it ove 😉

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