Update based on CTE - can this be done in one step?

  • Hello,

    I have some code that works, but what I'd like to know is whether the update can be done directly in the CTE statement instead of in a separate update afterwards.

    The data is for patients and their admissions and discharges from hospital. The calculation is to store the previous discharge date against the next admission.

    if object_id('tempdb..#tmp1') is not null drop table #tmp1

    -- create a temporary table

    declare @PatientEpisodes table (

    ID int,

    PatientID int,

    admissiondate date,

    dischargedate date,

    lastdischarge date)

    -- populate it with some data

    insert into @PatientEpisodes values









    --select * from @PatientEpisodes

    -- set the LastDischarge field which shows the previous discharge date for the same patient

    ;WITH cte AS (

    SELECT ID, patientid,admissiondate, dischargedate,

    row_number()over(partition BY patientid ORDER BY admissiondate) AS visitsequence

    FROM @PatientEpisodes


    select LastDischarge = visit1.dischargedate,

    v2 = visit2.ID

    into #tmp1

    from cte visit1

    INNER JOIN cte visit2 ON visit1.PatientID = visit2.PatientID

    WHERE visit1.visitsequence + 1 = visit2.visitsequence -- next visit in sequence

    AND visit2.admissiondate > visit1.dischargedate -- visit 2 admission must be after visit 1 discharge

    update t1

    set t1.LastDischarge =


    from @PatientEpisodes t1

    inner join #tmp1 t on t1.ID = t.v2

    -- let's have a look at the data now

    select * from @PatientEpisodes order by PatientID, admissiondate

    The CTE links back to itself and then stores the intermediate results in #tmp1, and the main table is updated from the data in #tmp1. This is what's confusing me when I'm trying to write it as an update query instead of a select query.

    Thanks in advance,


  • In this case, you can update the CTE without problems. You just need to add the column you're updating.

    WITH cte AS (

    SELECT ID, patientid,admissiondate, dischargedate, lastdischarge,

    row_number()over(partition BY patientid ORDER BY admissiondate) AS visitsequence

    FROM @PatientEpisodes


    UPDATE visit2 SET

    lastdischarge = visit1.dischargedate

    from cte visit1

    INNER JOIN cte visit2 ON visit1.PatientID = visit2.PatientID

    WHERE visit1.visitsequence + 1 = visit2.visitsequence -- next visit in sequence

    AND visit2.admissiondate > visit1.dischargedate; -- visit 2 admission must be after visit 1 discharge

    Remember, a semicolon (;) is a statement terminator. It's not intended to go at the beginning of a statement.

    Luis C.
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  • Thanks, I was trying to write it with update @PatientEpisodes because that's the name of the table I wanted to write the data into. It all seems very obvious when you can see the answer in front of you!


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