update an subquery, how to optimize it?

  • Hi!

    I need help with a optimization of my SP.

    The issue is this.

    Users insert records in Table "Operation", those records describes an accion made to the customers.

    this table contain: CustomerId, Date (datetime of action), ActionId, and other fields more.

    I need to find the best ActionId, and this is the clasification.

    Table GroupActionId

    GroupID, Detail, GroupPriority

    1, First, 1

    2, Second, 2

    3, Thirth, 3

    Table RankActionId

    GroupId, ActionId, Ranking

    1, 10, 1

    1, 15, 2

    1, 20, 3

    2, 25, 1

    2, 30, 2

    2, 35, 3

    3, 40, 1

    3, 45, 2 .....

    First: I need find the best GroupActionId (Min Field GroupPriority), Then, in table RankActionId, i have to search for the minimun ranking of ActionId, associated to MIN of GroupPriority field. With this, I obtain the best ActionId of each customer. Each customer may have the same ActionId in a different space of time. in this case i need obtain the MAX date of the best ActionId.

    The final results is an ActionId for each customer, and this ActionId must be the best.

    But my updates are not optimal, because I make the update with a Subquery.

    Can help me to optimize this code?



    /* Find and Update the Best ActionId Group */

    Update BestAction

    Set BestGroupPriority = (Select Min(en.GroupPriority)

    From BestAction mg Join Operation op On op.CustomerId = mg.CustomerId

    Join dbo.RankActionId de On de.ActionId = op.ActionId

    Join dbo.GroupActionId en On en.GroupID = de.GroupID

    Where mg.CustomerId = mm.CustomerId)

    From BestAction mm

    /* Find the best Rank, asocciate with best group */

    Update BestAction

    Set BestRank = (Select min(de.Ranking)

    From BestAction mg Join dbo.Operation op On op.CustomerId = mg.CustomerId

    Join dbo.RankActionId de On de.ActionId = op.ActionId

    Join dbo.GroupActionId en On en.GroupID = de.GroupID

    And en.GroupPriority = mg.BestGroupPriority

    Where mg.CustomerId = mm.CustomerId)

    From BestAction mm

    Where Isnull(mm.BestGroupPriority, -1) <> -1

    /* Update the best ActionId */

    Update BestAction

    Set BestActionId = de.ActionId

    From BestAction mg Join dbo.GroupActionId en On en.GroupPriority = mg.BestGroupPriority

    Join dbo.RankActionId de On en.GroupID = de.GroupID

    And de.Ranking = mg.BestRank

    Where Isnull(mg.BestGroupPriority, -1) <> -1

    /* Update the Date of the Best ActionID */

    Update BestAction

    Set BestDate = (Select Max(op.Date)

    From BestAction mg Join dbo.Operation op On op.CustomerId = mg.CustomerId

    And mg.BestActionId = op.ActionId

    Where mg.CustomerId = mm.CustomerId)

    From BestAction mm

    Where Isnull(mm.BestGroupPriority, -1) <> -1

  • Are these updates slow? Not sure if you are just unsure of your approach of if you are having performance problems. You have several where clauses that are not sargable.

    Instead of

    Where Isnull(mm.BestGroupPriority, -1) <> -1

    You could use

    Where mm.BestGroupPriority > -1

    or mm.BestGroupPriority < -1

    This would accomplish the same thing. It will not return NULL or -1 and will still allow an index seek on BestGroupPriority instead of index scan.


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/

  • Thanks Sean!

    I made the change

    Well, i'm in testing stage, and I have a table with 10 million of records. In production, the table "Operation" have 20 million aprox. and I not sure if the code will be fast in producton stage.

    Thanks in advance


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