• Hello all!

    As I was sitting down infront of my usual computer, deciding to do some work (for once), I came upon a BOL (SP3) documentation error or undocumented extension of the T-SQL language.

    Happily I was coding my usual UPDATE statements and once again I had to do my autojoin. Reading in BOL it states





    table_name WITH ( < table_hint_limited > [ ...n ] ) (...)

    Set to be precise as I was/am continuing with BOL:




    Is the name of the table to update. The name can be qualified with the linked server, database, and owner name if the table is not in the current server or database, or is not owned by the current user.

    WITH ( < table_hint_limited > [ ...n ] ) (...)

    Oki. But if I do my autojoins?


    FROM < table_source >

    Specifies that a table is used to provide the criteria for the update operation. For more information, see FROM.

    table_name [ [ AS ] table_alias ]

    Is the name of a table to provide criteria for the update operation.

    If the table being updated is the same as the table in the FROM clause, and there is only one reference to the table in the FROM clause, table_alias may or may not be specified. If the table being updated appears more than one time in the FROM clause, one (and only one) reference to the table must not specify a table alias. All other references to the table in the FROM clause must include a table alias.

    Test data:

    SELECT 1 AS col1, 'One' AS col2 INTO tab1

    INSERT INTO tab1 SELECT 2 AS col1, 'Two' AS col2

    UPDATE alias1

    SET col1 = alias2.col1

    FROM tab1 AS alias1


    tab1 AS alias2

    ON alias1.col1 = alias2.col1

    Can anyone explain to me why this works correctly?

    Is it some good-hearted MS developer that has decided to give us something more useful without telling his boss?

    Regards, Hans!

    P.S I have no table called alias1

    Edited by - hanslindgren on 08/29/2003 06:37:25 AM

  • Check BOL 2000: UPDATE (Level 4)

    The 6.x example may give a hint why it was changed. I think the update can be a bit ambigous to resolve. Example one can specify different criteria per table. Which one of the sets will be updated a1 or a2.

    Tested your example on 8.00.194.

  • Hi there, here are some examples of the alternatives, the 1st is the alias example..


    SET col1 = 100

    FROM dbo.cktest1 tab1



    UPDATE dbo.cktest2 SET col1 = 100 FROM dbo.cktest1 tab1 where tab1.id = cktest2.id


    UPDATE dbo.cktest2 SET col1 = 100 where exists (select 'x' from dbo.cktest1 as tab1 where tab1.id = cktest2.id)


    UPDATE dbo.cktest2 SET col1 = 100 from dbo.cktest2 MYTABLEALIAS, dbo.cktest1 tab1 where tab1.id = MYTABLEALIAS.id

    Chris Kempster


    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

  • 5409045121009:

    You are right. But it is NOT written in the specifications for the Update command. It say that if you reference the same table more then once, you cannot alias one of them. It does NOT write anything about the possibilities for using the alias in the update statement, just the table_name. You shouldn't be expected to read the 6.x -> 2000 Change documentation to know how to correctly use SQL2k, right?

    Regards, Hans!

    Edited by - hanslindgren on 09/02/2003 02:59:52 AM

  • I agree. I still wish one can get a SQL printed manual like with 6.5, I think it was the 'Programmers Reference manual', which you can take home and study front to back!

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