Updatable sproc recordsets... what not to do?

  • Please observer the following two sprocs, in the sproc #1, I have all the data I need but via the ADP (MS Access Data projects [front end gui]) (in a subform) this recordset is not updateable... but sproc #2 IS updatable but does not resolve some of the contact names... now, I've set the unique table property to tbl_ccNotes, and that works fine for sproc 2 which is updatable, but sproc #1 is not.... the question is, how can I get sproc #1 to be an updatable recordset?, please forgive the naive question...

    CREATE Procedure stp_ListNotes (@ccID as int) AS

    SELECT A.[ccID], A.[Notes], AllUsers.ContactName, A.[ccDateTime], AllUsers.UserType

    FROM [dbo].[tbl_ccNotes] A

    INNER JOIN (SELECT UserID, UserName as ContactName, 1 AS UserType From dbo.tblWebUser


    SELECT ContactID as UserID, ContactName, 0 AS UserType From dbo.tbl_Contacts

    ) As AllUsers

    ON (A.UserID = AllUsers.UserID)

    Where A.ccID = @ccID

    ORDER BY ccDateTime DESC

    CREATE Procedure stp_ListNotes (@ccID as int) AS

    SELECT A.[ccID], A.[Notes], AllUsers.ContactName, A.[ccDateTime]

    FROM [dbo].[tbl_ccNotes] A

    LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_Contacts As AllUsers

    ON (A.UserID = AllUsers.ContactID)

    Where A.ccID = @ccID

    ORDER BY ccDateTime DESC





  • This was the solution reply to my post on another list, I want to thank anyone who was trying to figure out an answer for me... but also wanted to post the solution here in case it helps anyone else out....


    Not sure if this works (because I have nothing to test it with) but for

    Sproc#2, include another left join to the tblWebUser table and use the

    contactname from tblWebUser only if the contactname is not resolved by the

    tbl_Contacts table.

    CREATE Procedure stp_ListNotes (@ccID as int) AS

    SELECT A.ccID, A.Notes, ISNULL(X.ContactName, Y.UserName) AS ContactName,


    FROM tbl_ccNotes A LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_Contacts AS X ON (A.UserID =

    X.ContactID) LEFT OUTER JOIN tblWebUser AS Y ON (A.UserID = Y.UserID)

    WHERE A.ccID = @ccID

    ORDER BY ccDateTime DESC





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