Unzip error through Excute process task

  • "Error Message :

    your ID does not have sufficient privileges to install software. Also,winzip was not properly installed by user with adminstrative privileges.

    Please contact your system admin and ask them to reintall Winzip"

    I Pass in the

    Executable: Location of WIN32.exe

    Arguments : -e Location of zipfile

    Working Directory : Destiantion directory.

    I tried to go onto the Location of Zipfile and tried unzipping it manually and it all works good. I can't figure out what should be the issue, running it through execute process task.

  • Is the process running under your Windows security context when run through the Execute Process Task, i.e. through BIDS or SSDT, or is this error coming from an unattended process like an Agent job?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • opc.three (2/13/2013)

    Is the process running under your Windows security context when run through the Execute Process Task, i.e. through BIDS or SSDT, or is this error coming from an unattended process like an Agent job?

    Through BIDS

  • 64-bit workstation? Make sure your Project property Run64BitRuntime is False.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • opc.three (2/13/2013)

    64-bit workstation? Make sure your Project property Run64BitRuntime is False.

    Yes mine is 64 bit and I made sure Run64BitRuntime is False. It doesnt help

  • Just confirming that you can run Winzip from the command line directly, or did you mean when you run winzip that it was interatively?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • opc.three (2/13/2013)

    Just confirming that you can run Winzip from the command line directly, or did you mean when you run winzip that it was interatively?

    I didn't get you.

    All I was doing is running Winzip from Execute process Task. I was not running it through CMD.

  • You said in the original post:

    I tried to go onto the Location of Zipfile and tried unzipping it manually and it all works good.

    Was that just double-clicking on the file to open it interactively in Winzip or did you do that from the command line, using the same command line the Execute Process Task would issue? I am just trying to establish that it is working from the command line as a baseline so we know to focus on the Execute Process Task.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • opc.three (2/13/2013)

    You said in the original post:

    I tried to go onto the Location of Zipfile and tried unzipping it manually and it all works good.

    Was that just double-clicking on the file to open it interactively in Winzip or did you do that from the command line, using the same command line the Execute Process Task would issue? I am just trying to establish that it is working from the command line as a baseline so we know to focus on the Execute Process Task.

    Yes that was double clicking on the file and it worked.

  • OK. I should have confirmed that from the start. My bad.

    Get a command line working first, then move over to configure the Execute Process Task.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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