Unpivoting Data

  • ChrisM@Work (6/15/2012)

    vinu512 (6/15/2012)

    ChrisM@Work (6/15/2012)

    anthony.green (6/15/2012)

    Thanks guys, much appreciated. Was racking the brain yesterday on that and for the life of me couldnt get unpivot working.

    I like the idea of the values list, never heard of that before, so will definatly give that a go and read up on that a bit more.

    Thanks again.

    It's much easier to work with than UNPIVOT - the code is far easier to scan and understand.

    Is there a Dynamic Version to it as well??....Would love to have a look at that.

    Vinu, I don't think there's any reason why you shouldn't write a dynamic sql statement which features a CROSS APPLY with a VALUES list.

    I can. There are a whole lot of people that make the mistake of storing temporal data horizontally (think spreadsheet with dates for columns). If you're importing such data, a dynamic solution makes life a whole lot easier.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • Jeff Moden (6/15/2012)

    ChrisM@Work (6/15/2012)

    vinu512 (6/15/2012)

    ChrisM@Work (6/15/2012)

    anthony.green (6/15/2012)

    Thanks guys, much appreciated. Was racking the brain yesterday on that and for the life of me couldnt get unpivot working.

    I like the idea of the values list, never heard of that before, so will definatly give that a go and read up on that a bit more.

    Thanks again.

    It's much easier to work with than UNPIVOT - the code is far easier to scan and understand.

    Is there a Dynamic Version to it as well??....Would love to have a look at that.

    Vinu, I don't think there's any reason why you shouldn't write a dynamic sql statement which features a CROSS APPLY with a VALUES list.

    I can. There are a whole lot of people that make the mistake of storing temporal data horizontally (think spreadsheet with dates for columns). If you're importing such data, a dynamic solution makes life a whole lot easier.

    I'm right with you Jeff, there's a double-negative or something in there somewhere.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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