Unowned resource?

  • Greetings.

    Anyone know what this is?


    Error Description: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Process ID 280 attempting to unlock unowned resource PAG: 25:1:11899.

    Machine is SQL2000/SP3 which was upgraded from a 7 box.

    Not my machine, took it over from someone after the upgrade.



    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • Do you get this regularly or is it a one time thing? Haven't seen it, but it seems that the server got confused and attemped to unlock something that wasn't locked.

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

  • Hi Steve.

    Apparently it is reproducable.

    I am just relaying messages 🙁

    It happens in a proc which is only doing a select.

    You can run the proc 10 times and you'll get the error.

    Some other info was found on the net saying this happens when you have plenty righ outer joins. Sound plausible? This proc has 5 (I am told).

    There are 5 copies of the same DB on the server and it only happens on one of the copies.




    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • I got this on a PROC that ran three SELECT INTO statements to temp tables then did another SELECT with JOINS on 2k SP3. I don't remember if it were INNER or OUTER JOINS. I could run the code outside the SPROC with no issues, but kept getting that error message when the code was run within the SPROC. When I did a lock analysis, the locks were 'ellatious. Never figured out what it was. I figured it was a bug in SP3, and wanted to report it. The Boss at that job was the type that would never stop and ask for directions so we ended up rewritting the sproc instead. 🙁 Ours was reproducable everytime as well.

  • The guy just sent me one of the culprits.

    No select intos... 🙁

    Any body spot anything that may cause the problem? I can't.


    tblOrganisation.DOLOrganisationNameLegal AS Organisation_Name,
    tblOrganisation.DOLSDLNo AS SDL_Number,
    lkpSicCode.SicCode AS SIC_Code,
    lkpSicCode.SicCodeDescription AS SIC_Code_Desc,
    tblOrganisation.DOLTotalEmployment AS DOL_Total_Employment,
    tblOrganisation.TotalEmployment AS Seta_Total_Employment,
    lkpAddress.PhysAddressLine1 AS Phy_Add_Line1,
    lkpAddress.PhysAddressLine2 AS Phy_Add_Line2,
    lkpAddress.PhysCity AS Phy_City,
    lkpRegion.Region AS Phy_Region,
    lkpAddress.PhysPostalCode AS Phy_Postal_Code,
    skpStatus.Status AS Planning_Grant_Status,
    lkpOccupationalClass.OccupationalClass AS Occupational_Class,
    tblEduTrainReq.SkillPriority AS Skill_Priority,
    tblEduTrainReq.EduTrainingIntervention AS Learning_Intervention,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.CostInternal) AS Cost_Internal,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.CostExternal) AS Cost_External,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.AMSkp) AS African_Male,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.AFSkp) AS African_Female,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.ADSkp) AS African_Disabled,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.CMSkp) AS Coloured_Male,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.CFSkp) AS Coloured_Female,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.CDSkp) AS Coloured_Disabled,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.IMSkp) AS Indian_Male,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.IFSkp) AS Indian_Female,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.IDSkp) AS Indian_Disabled,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.WMSkp) AS White_Male,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.WFSkp) AS White_Female,
    SUM(tblEduTrainReq.WDSkp) AS White_Disabled,
    lkpOccupationalClass.OccupationalClassID AS Occupational_Class_ID
    FROM tblEduTrainReq INNER JOIN
    lkpOccupationalClass ON
    tblEduTrainReq.OccupationalGroupID = lkpOccupationalClass.OccupationalClassID
    lkpSkillPriority ON
    tblEduTrainReq.SkillPriority = lkpSkillPriority.SkillPriority INNER
    tblWSP ON
    tblEduTrainReq.WSPID = tblWSP.WSPID INNER JOIN
    tblOrganisation ON
    tblEduTrainReq.OrganisationID = tblOrganisation.OrganisationID
    lkpSicCode ON
    tblOrganisation.SicCodeID = lkpSicCode.SicCodeID INNER JOIN
    lkpAddress ON
    tblOrganisation.OrganisationID = lkpAddress.AddressOrganisationID
    lkpRegion ON
    lkpAddress.PhysRegionID = lkpRegion.RegionID INNER JOIN
    skpStatus ON
    tblWSP.WSPPlanStatusID = skpStatus.StatusID
    WHERE (tblEduTrainReq.GrantType = 'B') AND
    (tblWSP.WSPYear = @Year) AND
    (tblWSP.WSPImpStatusID = 4)
    GROUP BY lkpOccupationalClass.OccupationalClass,
    tblEduTrainReq.EduTrainingIntervention, lkpSicCode.SicCode,
    lkpAddress.PhysAddressLine1, lkpAddress.PhysAddressLine2,
    lkpAddress.PhysCity, lkpAddress.PhysPostalCode,
    tblOrganisation.DOLSDLNo, lkpRegion.Region,
    skpStatus.Status, lkpOccupationalClass.OccupationalClassID,
    ORDER BY tblOrganisation.DOLOrganisationNameLegal,



    Edited by - crappy on 09/17/2003 11:39:31 PM

    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • Can you run the statement outside the SPROCS?

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