Unique Usernames

  • Experts,

    Here is my requirement.I have been trying various things but i am not successfull till this point

    Here is an example

    LastName Fname  Uname

    Smith           Jo        Smith

    Smith           Jo        SmithJ

    Smith          Jo        Smithjo

    smith             Jo        smitj

    smith             Jo        smitjo

    smith             Jo        smij

    smith             Jo        smijo

    Basically Username should not be greater than 7 and and can be just the lastname if that username doesn't exist and also should be less than or = 7,if greater than 7 just take first 7 chars

    if lastname already exists we have take one char from firstname and then goes on as outlined in the example

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



  • Perhaps I do not understand the question. Are you looking for opinions to how to construct your usernames, or a way to, within SQL to create a unique userid by checking a list of "rules"?

    -- Cory

  • Cory,

    Sorry about that..

    You are correct.I am ttrying to build usernames using T-SQL and using last name,first name with some rules.

    Above is just the example.


  • In the interest of saving some time, I tried out this idea in VB. Should be easily portable to T-SQL. The idea is that you want to always use as much of the last name as possible before resorting to using parts of the first name. For testing purposes, the UserExists function always returns true and just displays the current user name.

    Thus for Jo Smith you get these possibilties:
















    You better not have too many of these guy come and join your company. The 16th Jo Smith will be without a unique user name.

    Here is the code.

    Public Function GenUser(strLn As String, strFn As String, intMaxLen As Integer) As String

    Dim strNewLn As String

    Dim strUser As String

    Dim intL As Integer

    Dim intF As Integer

    strNewLn = strLn

    If Len(strNewLn) > intMaxLen Then strNewLn = Left(strLn, intMaxLen)

    strUser = strNewLn

    Deb strFn & " " & strLn

    intL = Len(strNewLn)

    Do ' loops from length of strNewLn to 1

      If Not UserExists(strUser) Then

        GenUser = strUser

        Exit Function

      End If


      intF = 1

      Do ' loop from 1 to length of first name

        strUser = strNewLn & Mid(strFn, 1, intF)

        If Len(strUser) > intMaxLen Then Exit Do

        If Not UserExists(strUser) Then

          GenUser = strUser

          Exit Function

        End If

        intF = intF + 1

        If intF > Len(strFn) Then Exit Do



      intL = intL - 1

      If intL = 0 Then Exit Do

      strNewLn = Mid(strNewLn, 1, intL)

      strUser = strNewLn



    End Function


  • Try this

    DECLARE @LastName varchar(20)

    DECLARE @FirstName varchar(20)

    SET @LastName = 'Smith'

    SET @FirstName = 'Jo'

    CREATE TABLE #temp ([ID] int IDENTITY(1,1), Username varchar(40))

    INSERT INTO #temp (UserName)

    SELECT l.LastName+f.FirstName

    FROM (SELECT n.Number,LEFT(@LastName,n.Number) AS [LastName]

    FROM @Numbers n

    WHERE n.Number > 0 AND n.Number <= LEN(@LastName)) l


    (SELECT n.Number,LEFT(@FirstName,n.Number) AS [FirstName]

    FROM @Numbers n

    WHERE n.Number <= LEN(@FirstName)) f

    WHERE LEN(l.LastName+f.FirstName) < 8

    ORDER BY l.Number DESC, f.Number ASC

    SELECT * FROM #temp

    SELECT Username

    FROM #temp

    WHERE [ID] = (SELECT MIN(t.[ID])

    FROM #temp t

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [Users] u

    ON u.UserName = t.UserName

    WHERE u.UserName IS NULL)

    DROP TABLE #temp

    You will have to create @Numbers table variable or temp table or permanent Numbers table whichever you wish


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks Guys..I will give it a try and let you guys know.

    Once again Appreciate For Your Help!


  • There comes a time when I simply will not try to solve a problem using pure SQL. It becomes too convoluted and hard to understand and modify. Thus the bells starts ringing when you need to use cross joins and tables with sequential numbers etc.

    Using procedural T-SQL is adequate here because the function would likely not get called that often (probably only when a new user is created) so performance is not an issue. You can then have an easier time to modify and tweak the algorithm.

  • Why the limit to 7 characters ???

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Rudy,

    That's kindaa requirement.



  • David,

    Your script does the trick..

    Once again thanks For your expertise.


  • I understood that point in the original post. I was more curious as to why the limit in todays world ? Is it a limit imposed by another software package or another computer operating system (IBM Mainframe is an example) or is 'just the way we do things' ...what I am trying to ask is the "business reason".

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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