union on the output of two stored procedures

  • Is there a way to use a union on the output of two stored procedures with in a while loop?


    I have a stored procedure that works it accepts one parameter and gives back 3 columns of data 42 rows long.


    I would like to be able to have a user specify how many times he would like this sp to run and give it different parameters for each running.  This is what I have so far





    declare @TimesToRun int

            ,@blkidM int

            ,@blkid1 int

            ,@blkid2 int

            ,@blkid3 int



    set @TimesToRun = 3

    set @blkid1 = 218645

    set @blkid2 = 218646

    set @blkid3 = 218647

    set @blkidM = @blkid1


    while @TimesToRun > 0




    execute dbo.DensityGrad @blkid = @blkidM


    set @TimesToRun = @TimesToRun – 1


    set @blkidM = @blkid2



  • Just Create A tempTable with the structure of the Recordset returned by the sp and use the insert exec construct like:

    declare @TimesToRun int

            ,@blkidM int

            ,@blkid1 int

            ,@blkid2 int

            ,@blkid3 int



    set @TimesToRun = 3

    set @blkid1 = 218645

    set @blkid2 = 218646

    set @blkid3 = 218647

    set @blkidM = @blkid1


     Create Table #T (fld1 ,fld2 ,fld3..)


    while @TimesToRun > 0




    INSERT #T (fld1 ,fld2 ,fld3..) execute dbo.DensityGrad @blkid = @blkidM


    set @TimesToRun = @TimesToRun – 1


    set @blkidM = @blkid2




    Select * from #T1


    you will also have to change your parameter to use a list of values sepparated by a comma or with equal spacing so that you can automate the parameter passing too!




    * Noel

  • Thank you that is a great idea. 

    I have a question about this part though

    "you will also have to change your parameter to use a list of values sepparated by a comma or with equal spacing so that you can automate the parameter passing too!"

    could I get an example of how to do this


    Cory McRae

  • you can create a function to parse the string.

    this one was taken from the script library on this site and adapted to your case:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_GetValueFromList( @List varchar(1000), @position int)

    RETURNS varchar(100)



    -- Returns a ZERO based value from a comma separated list

    DECLARE @i int,@j int, @Pos int,  @value varchar(100)

    SELECT @i = 0, @j-2 = 0, @pos = 0

    IF SUBSTRING (@List, LEN (@List), 1) <> ','


       SELECT @List = @List + ','


    SELECT @i = CHARINDEX (',', @List, @i + 1)

    WHILE @i > 0


       SELECT @value = SUBSTRING (@List, @j-2+1, (@i - @j-2) -1)

       IF @pos = @position



       SELECT @j-2 = @i, @pos = @Pos + 1

       SELECT @i = CHARINDEX (',' , @List, @i + 1)


    RETURN  @value



    then on your procedure just pass the next index to the procedure like:

    declare @listofValues  varchar(1000), @n int, @x int

    Select @listOfValues ='1234,3456,789,2365', @n = 0

    and change:

    INSERT #T (fld1 ,fld2 ,fld3..) execute dbo.DensityGrad @blkid = @blkidM


    set @TimesToRun = @TimesToRun – 1


    set @blkidM = @blkid2


     select  @x = cast (dbo.udf_GetValueFromList( @listOfValues , @n&nbsp as int)


     INSERT #T (fld1 ,fld2 ,fld3..) execute dbo.DensityGrad @x


    select @TimesToRun = @TimesToRun – 1,  @n = @n + 1




    * Noel

  • I will have to look up string funtions I have not done a lot with them befor


    thank you for all your help

    Cory McRae

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