UNION and MIN and total values

  • Until half an hour ago, I thought I knew what I was doing......

    I've done this before, but totally forgotten how and can't find my original code. Please help!

    I have two tables with exactly the same structure, except one has live data and the other has archive data. I want to pull out totals for each product plus a min value. For instance, this is the data for one item:

    Live table data (as csv)

    prod, ordno, qty,compdate

    04121065-401, WO287482, 1, 09/12/2009

    Archive table data (as csv)

    prod, ordno, qty, compdate

    04121065-401, WO130048, 1, 07/05/2004

    04121065-401, WO191763, 1, 03/08/2006

    04121065-401, WO139028, 3, 07/09/2004

    04121065-401, WO197723, 1, 13/10/2006

    What I want is for each prod, show the count of the wo column, the sum of the qty column and the min (e.g. oldest) date in the compdate column in a single line from two tables. So, for the above example data, I would get a single resultset of:

    04121065-401, 5, 7, 07/05/2004

    I thought this would work:

    SELECTprod, SUM(ordcnt) AS [Order Count], SUM(totqty) AS [Total Qty],

    MIN(lastdate) AS [First Sold]


    SELECTprod, COUNT(ordno) AS [ordcnt], SUM(qty) AS [totqty],

    MIN(compdate) AS [lastdate]

    FROM ordlive

    GROUP BY prod


    SELECTprod, COUNT(ordno), SUM(qty), MIN(compdate)

    FROM ordarchive

    GROUP BY prod


    GROUP BY prod

    ORDER BY prod

    but, I get an incorrect syntax error on line 13 by the outer GROUP BY. I'm sure the last time I did one of these is was something like this, but my mind has gone blank.

  • SELECT prod, SUM(ordno) AS [Order Count], SUM(qty) AS [Total Qty],

    MIN(compdate) AS [First Sold]

    FROM (

    SELECT prod, ordno, qty,


    FROM ordlive

    GROUP BY prod


    SELECT prod,ordno, qty, compdate

    FROM ordarchive

    GROUP BY prod

    ) AS A

    GROUP BY prod

    ORDER BY prod

    First try using without the bold section if it doesn't work try with bold section

  • Duh!!!!

    It was the table name alias (the bit in the bold) I was missing!!!!!

    Thank you sanmatrix for jogging my memory!

  • 😀

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