Unexpected EOF encountered in bcp data-file

  • I'm setting up snapshot replication and have got the error: "Unexpected EOF encountered in bcp data-file" when I run the distribution agent. I have selected to leave the Table unchanged in the article defaults and this is the first time I have run the agent. Anyone got any ideas?

    Paul Ibison


    Paul Ibison

  • I'm having a similiar problem. So I'm going to renew this...

    I'm doing a subscription and on the bulk insert I recieve this error: (using sql 2005)

    Command attempted:

    select * from "dbo"."UnitProcessDate" where 1 = 2

    (Transaction sequence number: 0x000098F60000043C002600000021, Command ID: 143)

    Error messages:

    Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file (Source: CF-4KKSA79484, Error number: S1000)

    Get help: http://help/S1000

    Function sequence error (Source: ODBC SQL Server Driver, Error number: S1010)

    Get help: http://help/S1010

    Any guidance or help anyone could give me I'd greatly appreciate it!


  • I noticed that no-one has given any advice on this.

    SQL 200 SP4. I'm getting same error when trying to re initilize a transactional replication with a new snapshot. Many tables in the article succeed but one table continuously gets the same error. I've dropped the subscriber, re initialized, manually created the table, etc to no avail. At no time does the snapshot publication succeed for one table. This is a test subscriber and test publication database. I have gone as far as to subscribe this test subscriber to the PRODUCTION publication on a different server -- and it works. I feel like this is an issue with the publisher.

    Both publisher and subscriber are running MDAC 2.8 sp2.

    Did you ever figure out anything that you can share?

  • I am getting the same error in snapshot replication. SQL Server 2005 SP2 on publisher, distributor and subscriber. Publisher and subscriber databases have the same collation. I am only receiving the unexpected EOF error for one table, which has a couple of text columns. I am expecting that it is a problem with invalid characters in the text columns, but I have not found anything yet. Any ideas are appreciated.

  • Does this table that is being snapshot have a Identity column? What is set up in the publisher table for that column? Or it could be a timestamp. Both of these columns can cause issue when doing a snapshot.


  • No, there are no identity or datestamp columns in the table. The primary key is generated by the app, and there are a couple of datetime columns but no datestamp columns. We have multiple databases with the same schema, but different data, and only a couple of the databases are having this issue.

    Also, these databases were recently upgraded from SQL Server 2000, and they did not have this issue before the upgrade.

  • The only thing I can think about is the field separator. If there is a tab character in one your data field, that could cause issues like this. Tab separator is usually a \ t


  • I appear to have fixed the issue, but I'm still not sure what it was. I could not find any issues with the data (no invalid characters or strings) and I couldn't find any errors in the database, but replication works after I ran the below update.

    UPDATE a

    SET a.pk = b.pk

    FROM table a

    JOIN table b

    ON a.pk = b.pk

    All the script does is update the primary key to the current value, so no actual changes in data, but it appears that running an update on all rows in the table fixed whatever was causing the error with replication.

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