Understanding the Big Picture on SQL 2000

  • I have 3 questions that i need answered to get the big picture on normal, usual way SQL works with websites. 
    1.  What is the normal, usual language such as ASP, PHP, HTML, JAVA... for connecting and displaying SQL information on websites?
    2.  I need a template, book, or illustration on a demostrating how to get SQL data working with the normal programing language, and i dont want to use MySQL? 
    3.  Basically, is there an example or template for a existing website, lets say a shipping company, that links to a SQL database?  If there is a website template, i want to download it and go through it to get the big picture on how SQL works the normal, usual language.

  • 1 - HTML is used to format and display the data so it's common to all database systems.  What you normally see with sql server is ASP, ASP.NET and C#.net.  Those languages are use to control the flow of the site and transfer the data between the client and the server.


    2 - This is the best turotial site I know for newbies.


    When you have read that tutorial and have more questions then you can always post back here to get more personal help.  You can also access 40-50 more tutorials on this site (html, css, asp, .net, etc.).

    3 - I don't know anyone available but maybe someone else does.

  • Hi

    1) It depends on the requirement. Most of the people uses ASP/Microsof technologies.

    2) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/169377

    3) I dont think there are any websites for these kind of templates.

    Thanks -- Vj


  • Doesn't AdventureWorks come with a front end?

  • By SQL do you mean SQL Server?

    Question 1 is dependant on where you ask -

    Here it would be - for SQL Server - VBScript, Javascript or .Net (Microsoft slant)

    Other places people will use PHP, Javascript or something else (Non Microsoft stuff).

    The correct anwer is it depends on what the database is, there is no "usual" language in use.

    Question 2

    You can use the internet? Yes, you posted in this forum. Well pick a language (hint VBscript easy for noobies) and look it up! 😛

    Question 3

    Refer to question 2 answer above.:D

    Sorry if I've taken a hard line but I am not going to do your homework for you.;)


    Hiding under a desk from SSIS Implemenation Work :crazy:

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