Understanding Incrementals with Full-Text Indexes

  • I'm still trying to understand the frequency needed for running incremental updates for full-text catalogs.  A consultant requested a full population be run every day at 5:00pm and incrementals be run every 3 minutes.  My question for you is if I change the incremental frequency to every hour, wouldn't data changes still be available to the application between incrementals?  Isn't the purpose of the incremental simply to update the full-text index so therefor its benefit is in terms of performance, not data availability.  The consultant seams to think any updates made between incrementals will not be available to the application until an incremental is run.

    Thanks,  Dave

  • You can use  the WITH CHANGE_TRACKING option for SQL Server to do it for you automatically or do what the consultant says because as I remember if the catalog is not populated you cannot get search results.  Run a search for Full Text catalog population in the BOL for more info.  Hope this helps.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks Gift.  I'll look into WITH CHANGE_TRACKING.  Running an incremental every 3 minutes places a lot of messages in the SQL log that get in the way of quickly identifying problems.  If there was a way to stop these messages I wouldn't complain.  Perhaps WITH CHANGE_TRACKING is the way to go.


  • The easy way to do it is to drop the current ones and use the Full text wizard and choose automatic change tracking because I think you are now doing either manual or none.  Spend time with Management Studio and the BOL most stuff is covered.



    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks.  I'm researching the option to see what overhead it places on the server.  I'm guessing it shouldn't be much more then running an incremental every 3 minutes.


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