Unconvential joins

  • I have a table which gathers measurements one / row asynchronically. That's why one column is datetime. Idnr is the primary key.

    If I want to know daily average period between inserts, I must use this kind of self-join (sorry,I'm in Oracle mode now, syntax differs slightly)

    SELECT t1.datetime,avg(t2.datetime-t1.datetime)
    FROM testresult t1, testresult t2
    WHERE t1.idnr +1 = t2.idnr AND other restrictions
    GROUP BY to_char(datetime,'YYYY-MM-DD')
    /* in T-SQL GROUP BY datepart(something) */

    Is this the only way except using INNER JOIN ? Table is huge, 30e6 rows. Is this efficient query ?

    I call this 'unconventional join' because t1.idnr != t2.idnr. What kind of unconventional joins have you made ?

  • AFAIK, you need this inner join.

    Steve Jones


  • The only thing that may make this any better would be to make sure that t1.idnr +1 does = t2.idnr would be to do a subquery something like (SELECT TOP 1 FROM testresults as INTR WHERE INTR.idnr > t1.idnr) in case you have any gaps in the column as far as next item. However you will need to keep the join and the subquery may hurt performance quite a bit. I do not have an Oracle server to test on but you might try a decode to check that t1.idnr +1 = t2.idnr then use t1.idnr +1 = t2.idnr or if not use the subquery method, which should bennefit overall, but again you may need to fix this a bit based on Oracle. As for unconvential, I have ended up doing some amazingly bad joins like this that I had no way around. Hope this didn't come out unreadable.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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