March 1, 2012 at 1:18 pm
I have an unattended install for 2008 R2 Standard that works a treat except for a few items that I need to ratify but can't find any answers to anywhere. The first is the SQL Browser service account/passwords. The startup parameter for this is BROWSERSVCSTARTUPTYPE. I use ="Automatic". This works fine no matter what. My problem is the rest of them...
In this article I found some information, albeit erroneous:
In the top sections they use BROWSERSVCSTARTUPTYPE, however down in the 'Parameters from previous versions of SQL Server' section where they show the account and password parameters, they use BROWSERSVRSTARTUPTYPE (Notice the 'R' instead of 'C' before STARTUPTYPE. When I use their other 2 parameters, BROWSERSVRPASSWORD and BROWSERSVRACCOUNT, it doesn't work. I also tried to replace the 'R' with the 'C' in these 2 thinking it was a typo like the startup and ran it, but it still didn't work.
Any ideas? If I do a regular install this service account is greyed out and I have to configure it after the fact, so it seems like I am hosed either way to actually do it in the install.
March 1, 2012 at 2:09 pm
You shouldn't need to do anything with the browser service. Just have it run automatically or have it disabled (leave disabled if it's a default SQL install with no other SQL instances running on the machine).
I wouldn't do anything to change it from the default account of Local Service. It doesn't require any more permissions than are set at install.
March 1, 2012 at 2:56 pm
Alrighty, thanks! -Also, I just found here that it can't actually be done:
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