Unable to Update

  • I have a simple query that is not cooperating with me:

    UPDATE Tbl_Dates2

    SET lst_upd_ts=Tbl_Dates_Convert.lst_upd_ts

    WHERE (TS=Tbl_Dates_Convert.TS)

    The error I'm getting is: The clomn prefix 'Tbl_Dates_Convert' does not match with a table name or alis name used in the query.

    The tables are all there. Any ideas?


  • Hello,

    Where is the "From" clause in your query???



  • Not tested, but something like this should work.


    UPDATE t

    SET t.lst_upd_ts c.lst_upd_ts

    FROM Tbl_Dates_Convert c JOIN Table_Dates2 t

    ON t.TS c.TS

  • Thanks John and Lucky, that worked. Where can I send the checks?

  • Oooh - I don't know.  Send it to your favourite good cause.

    Seriously, though - happy to help.


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